Chapter 2

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I returned to the stream in a week, already spotting a hut made from wood logs. I could hear those vampires inside, laughing and chatting with each other.

“She’s at the border” the blonde one spoke.

I hid behind a tree, thinking of anything completely irrelevant.

“I can’t see her Niall, you sure?”

“Yes I’m sure Haz, she’s behind that tree”

Well Shit.

I took off into the shadows, knowing that I would not be followed. My house was right next to the forest that separated the realms. It was great when I wanted to get away and be alone, absolutely great.

There was just something about the Vampire Realm that attracted me, maybe it was the air, it was easier to breath I guess. It was colder as well, the sun didn’t shine much there, always behind the clouds, good for my high body temperature.

“We’re outside”

What the fuck.

I jumped up from my bed, peering outside and breathing in sharply. All those 5 Vampires were standing there. I smirked, they couldn’t hurt me in the Werewolf Realm or they’d be arrested. I opened my window, swinging my legs over the window sill and changing my legs to my feline form. I jumped down, landing quietly on the ground.

“What do you want?” I asked.

I stood a few metres away from them, my arms crossed over my chest, my body in an arrogant pose.

“Stay away from the divider” the dark haired one spoke.

He had dark skin and lots of markings over his body. He was very sexy, long eyelashes and a chiselled jaw.

I shot Niall a glare as he snickered. Ugh fuck off from my thoughts.

“You’re in my territory” I smirked.

I would win this.

“You’re right. Zayn you warned her, let’s go” he tugged on Zayn’s sleeve.

Zayn glared at me before giving in to Niall’s desperate plea.

“Fine” they disappeared in a flash, leaving me standing there alone.

I walked back into the house, pouring myself a glass of water and chugging it down.


“FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!” they all chanted.

I pushed my way into the crowd, spotting two male wolves, one of them I recognised immediately a friend of mine, Jay, he wasn’t exactly the most buff of wolves, but he was very close to me.

The other was from one of the more dominant packs, his name was Andrew he worked out a lot, keeping in peak physical shape.

They were both circling each other, Andrew was growling and Jay tried to keep up a dominant pose.

“Stop!” I shouted, leaping into the middle of the fight and transforming into my wolf form.

I felt Jay rub his nose against my shoulder, thanking me.

Andrew let out a loud growl, slitting his eyes at me.

“Leave him alone” I threatened.

He lunged at me, a claw slashing through the air, slicing my arm, before a male leader interrupted us.

My arm bloodied my fur, gushing out quickly, no one paid attention as I started running for the lake that separated the Realms, knowing that those vampires would be there. I ran as fast as I could on 3 legs, making a steady pace before limping down the hill into the lake.

I stumbled in, falling sideways into the water and howling at the pain of some of the smooth rocks pressing into my arm. It subdued a little as the water cleansed it, my consciousness falling away.

Niall’s POV

“Get to the lake”

“You can do this”

“Water, nearly there!”

A loud howl outside snapped me from those sudden thoughts that entered my mind, my legs quickly carrying me to the window.

That feline werewolf from before. She was unconscious lying in the stream.

“Boys!” I shouted.

They all ran in, worried about why I had called them.

“Take mercy and be nice, do not drink her, follow me” they looked at me confused until I exited the log house we had made, speeding down to the stream.

She was on her shoulder, the water around her red from the blood seeping from her shoulder.

As well as being a telepath I had mastered telekinesis, so I floated her up, turning her gashed shoulder to us.

“Liam can you fix that?” I asked.

Liam had healing powers.

“I can make it scar up, we will have to take her to the village, get her to people who know how to replenish the blood in her system”

He stepped forward, placing his hand above the gash. Closing his eyes to gain full concentration, I watched his hands sparkle, warmth of light flowing to her wound. It healed, scarring over, her state of unconsciousness still present.

“Get her into the village.”

We all raced into the village, floating her along.

Harry spotted the hospital, heading towards them.

“We found her in the stream” I gushed.

The middle aged lady wet met in the hallway told us to get her down on the bed, ignoring the fact we were vampires.

“I managed to scar it over but she lost a huge amount of blood” Liam explained.

The nurse nodded, walking into another room and coming back with blood bags.

All of us started salivating at the sight.

“All of you out. Return to your Realm” she demanded.

We reluctantly walked out and away, wondering what would happen to her.

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