Chapter 5

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I rubbed circles into Jay’s hand as he held mine tightly, attempting to calm him down.

We reached their little hut they made in minimal time, Harry fetched the steaks and started seasoning them.

The rest of them sat with us in the living room, an awkward silence settling.

“So, uh, you guys have powers? I know Niall is a telepath and Harry can see the future, Zayn is a fire vampire so what about the rest of you?” I asked.

“Hi, I’m Liam, we haven’t been introduced, but my power is healing. I healed you when you had that big scratch down your arm” he smiled.

“Thanks, I would have recovered fine, but thank you” I smiled.

“Hello! I’m Louis! I can shape shift!” he grinned enthusiastically.

“That’s cool, can you change into tables and stuff or is it only living things?” I asked.

“Anything” he grinned like the devil.

“What about this table?” I asked, gesturing to the coffee table in the middle of the room.

He stood up, changing into an exact replica of table.

“Omg that’s so cool” I gaped.

Harry came in with the steaks, tripping over Louis as a table.

The steaks on the plate flew through the air, stopping mid-air in front of my face.


Even the blood droplets stayed suspended in the atmosphere.

I glanced over at Niall who concentrated on the steaks, slowly bringing them down to sit on the real table.

“Really Louis? A table?” Harry groaned from the floor.

Louis had shape shifted back to his vampire form and was lying under Harry, wiggling under him to try and escape.

“Get off me Harry” he huffed.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to trip on a table which isn’t even supposed to be there.” He shot.

“Guys, don’t fight, I asked him to shape shift” I told Harry.

“Oh… Sorry Lou” Harry mumbled.

“You better be”

Harry sighed, eyes crinkling in happiness a second later as I think he got some happy future prediction.

It was a happy future prediction”

I glared at Niall for intruding my thoughts.

“Let’s get the meat cooked, shall we?” he piped up. “Zayn, light them up”

Niall suspended the steaks in the air while Zayn shot fire from his fingertips. Small little flames that were suitable to cook meat on.

I watched in interest as Niall used his telekinesis, flipping over the meat when it was cooked on one side and continuing to brown the other. I have no idea why I was so interested in his power, I had always wanted to move things with my mind, I always thought it would be so cool. He looked like he enjoyed it.

Not when you get to listen in on people who hate you”

Shit I forgot he could hear me.

No, it’s alright, it starts out as a cool power until you master every aspect of it.”

“Like mind control”

I watched Harry pounce on Louis, furiously biting his neck.

Harry sprung away almost as fast as he had pounced, cheeks blazing as he sat there wide-eyed.

“I have no idea what came over me, sorry” he apologized.

He looked horrified at himself, sitting awkwardly next to Louis who sat there shocked.


Niall cut the meat and toasted some bread, before serving us.

“I’m not hungry” Jay sat uncomfortably.

“Well, if you’re not going to eat yours…” I grabbed his and placed it on my lap as I munched on my sandwich, complimenting Harry about the taste.

“Glad you liked it” he smiled proudly.

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