Chapter 6

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“I don’t really like them” Jay cringed as we walked back to my place.

“Why’s that?” I asked.

“I don’t know” he sighed. “But Zayn kept glaring at me” he sighed.

“Niall told me he likes me” I mumbled.

I watched Jay’s facial reaction twist into hurt and anger.

“But I don’t even like him, those eyelashes are too long” I rolled my eyes.

Even though they suited him nicely…

A warm bubbly feeling rose inside me as I watched him smile. He wasn’t very lucky at socializing and is pretty protective of me.

Plus he didn’t smile often.

Our relationship status played out as any normal boyfriend and girlfriend but we called ourselves good friends.

I opened the door to my room, turning on the tv and asking him what he wanted to watch.

“You choose a movie”

I grinned as he immediately regretted that choice of words.

“If you insist” I smirked.

I turned on my computer, hooking it up to the projector in my room and clearing everything away near the furthest wall.

“Tinker bell Marathon!” I grinned.

I chuckled at his reaction, knowing full well that he would watch it with me anyway.

I fluffed up all the pillows on my bed, playing the movie and grabbing a bag of skittles from my bedside table.

I cuddled up into my bed next to him and placed the skittles between us.

“Mmm, still love this movie” I mumbled happily.

Jay’s POV

Belle had just fallen asleep on my shoulder, her face nuzzled into my arm. I stroked her hair, smiling slightly at the softness of her dark brown locks. She was the cutest werewolf cross between a feline I had ever met. I looked back up to the movie that was just finishing, I found her small obsession over Tinker Bell just adorable, she owned all 4 movies and was proud.

I managed to remove myself from her bed, turning off her computer and turning off the projector. I walked back to her bed, pulling the covers over her shoulders so she wouldn’t get a blocked nose. She shifted in her sleep, one hand capturing mine.

I tried to pry her off, tugging my hand frequently.

“C’mon woman, let me go” I complained.

She giggled, tugging me down.

“My mum wants me home” I muttered.

“I’ll give a full explanation tomorrow, but for now you were keeping me toasty warm, get back in here” she peeled the covers back, letting me slide back in. “You’re always so warm” she muttered.

I was kinda uncomfortable right now, do I smell? Am I breathing on her? Because I know she hates that. Where do I put my hands? All these questions started running through my mind, as she fell asleep in front of me.

Her face was so close to mine.

I took in all her facial features, she always complained about her freckles on her nose and cheeks. She absolutely detested them, I remember watching her get ready once, she inspected her freckles in the mirror, cringing every second about how dark they were that day.

Her tongue appeared for a second, wetting her lips before disappearing back into her mouth. Her lips were always red, a ruby type of red, but sometimes were like a dark type of red. Right now they were a deep pink, her cheeks almost matching the same colour.

She reached up to brush a strand of hair away from her face, continuing her light slumber. Her hair was a dark brown, being confused for black the majority of the time. It didn’t go down to her waist like all the other girls in the realm; it went down to her breasts, stopping in the middle of them.

She wasn’t petite and small, and pigged out with me a lot during the middle of the night. As for her height, she was just about my height, we were very close, my hair giving me a 3 cm advantage. She often complained about her weight but joked about it with her other friends, she was just proportioned differently. She did have a nice body no doubt about it, she had nice curves and good hips. Thunder thighs as she joked but she was happy enough to not give a damn about anyone’s opinion.

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