Chapter 22

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“So is this a way of telling me you love me…?” she asked cautiously.

“Yes” I wanted to be honest with her.

“Okay” she smiled.

Did she love me back? Why wasn’t she saying it?

“Thank you” She nuzzled her face into my neck, rubbing her nose against my jaw.

I smiled like nothing was wrong and kissed her forehead, confused as why she wasn’t saying it back.

Belle’s POV

When Zayn said he committed his mind body and soul, my thoughts immediately went to sex. The lust in my heart showing through my eyes, loving the feeling of his compliments about my body.

 “So is this a way of telling me you love me…?” I asked, to confirm his words.

“Yes” he spoke firmly.

Oh. He loved me.. wow. I didn’t know what to say, I mean I did just commit through vampire terms but werewolves were completely different…

For a werewolf to commit to their partner they must hunt together to show worthiness and that they work in a team, I know deep down I love Zayn but until I hunt with him I can’t say it.

He has to hunt with me. He must.

“Thank you” I nuzzled my face into his neck, feeling like that was the only appropriate answer to the situation.

I rubbed my nose along his jaw to try and soothe him a little in hopes that it would make him less tense.

He smiled and kissed my forehead, suggesting a movie.

“Yeah, sure I have a collection on my laptop” I smiled.

“Let’s see it then” he let go of my waist, letting me reach for my laptop and turn it on.

“What about the conjuring?” he nudged.

“No.” I deadpanned.

He laughed, telling me I was free to choose.

“Tinkerbell it is then”


“You heard me, now I have the fifth movie now” I smiled.

“There was even a first?”

“Oh yes” I smirked, clicking on the first one. “And you are going to watch them all!” I squealed, scrambling up.

“I’m going to get snacks and you can get comfortable, be right back” I raced downstairs, throwing a packet of popcorn in the microwave while I chucked packets of marshmallows, m&m’s and skittles on the bench, grabbing a bowl for the popcorn.

I emptied the hot buttery popcorn into the bowl, scooping up the packets in my other arm.

I balanced it up the stairs, dumping the lollies in a heap and plugging my laptop to the projector. I joined Zayn under the covers, placing the popcorn between us and opening the marshmallows.

“I can roast those for you, I’ll get some forks yeah?”

“Yes please”

“Be right back”

He sauntered out of the room, coming back later with skewers.

“We can fit more on now” he grinned.

I smiled as he got under the covers again, starting to pierce the marshmallows through the middle while I started the movie.

“Ok I’m ready for this chick night” he grinned at me.

“Hush, watch it and feed me”

He chuckled, placing his hands near the marshmallows. They browned within seconds, soon hot enough to melt.

“Here you are gorgeous” he gave me the skewer, keeping his eyes on the movie.

Good boy.


By the time we finished all the movies it was past 9 and we were both tired from the movie marathon.

“Do you want to sleep now?” he mumbled, curling into my side.

He nuzzled his face into my neck kissing the spot underneath my ear.

“I love you”

“Okay, go to sleep Zayn.” it was killing me inside not to say it, but I was getting attached to him and he looked adorable next to me.

He stayed cuddled into my side, one leg wrapped around my hips, arms lay carelessly on the spot under my breasts.

“I really do love you Belle” he murmured, eyes flickering, trying to stay open and awake.

“Me too” I whispered as he slowly let his eyes shut, a small content smile on his face.

I nuzzled into his hair, leaning forward to kiss his forehead, I then closed my eyes, falling asleep next to the vampire I loved but couldn’t tell.


Remember to comment and vote and i love you all even tho im a shitty updater :D xx

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