Chapter 14

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A/N: no one's reading this are they?


Niall’s POV

After a while of stalling the date with Charlotte: a tour of the Vampire realm. I finally dragged my butt over to the hospital, tracking down her thoughts until I found her at the desk, she was packing up, ready for a change over as her shift was nearly finished.

“Hey Charlotte!” I greeted her.

She looked up at me quickly, a large smile spreading on my face as she greeted me back.

“So I was thinking of taking you to the Vampire realm today, you still up for it?” I asked, leaning an elbow onto the counter.

“Sure thing, I was just finished up here anyway, I’ll be with you in one second” she quickly clicked a few things on the computer before grabbing her bag from under the table, hauling it over her shoulder before walking out of the building with me.

“So this is where I live at the moment, I built it with the lads, took us a while, but it’s nice to live in” I told her as we neared the lake that separated us, we ran up the bank and I opened the door for her, showing her to my room.

“You play guitar?” she asked, running her hand down the neck of the instrument.

“You don’t play it do you?” I asked.

She looked back at me a little confused, shaking her head as she mumbled a no.

“Hey, I’ll teach you yeah? Come, sit next to me”

I sat down on my bed, watching her take my guitar from its stand and bring it over, sitting down on my left. I took the guitar from her, so the neck was on her side, I shuffled closer as she took off her bag, chucking it to the floor.

“Alright this is a simple chord, you put three fingers onto this fret, right before the line, you see?” I put my hand over hers, guiding it correctly.

This is so romantic, and he’s so cute’ I heard her thoughts.

I blushed, lightly strumming my fingers down as she held the chord.

“See, what a pretty sound” I smiled.

She giggled, smiling up at me, reaching over to strum as well.

“You’re a natural!” I grinned.

Her cheeks blazed red as she ducked her head down, thanking me politely.

Awh Charlotte was cute.

“So, do you still want to see the rest of the realm or not?” I asked.

“Sure, lets go”

I placed my guitar back over by it’s stand while she grabbed her bag and put it back on her shoulder. We made it to the feeding village as I quickly explained why they were here.

“So people let you suck their blood?” she asked, a little disgusted.

“Only the willing ones, they’re in a clinic up the road” I explained quickly.

“Oh ok, as long as they’re not forced” she smiled.

“Exactly, we don’t harm anyone who doesn’t want it” I nodded.

She seemed to like my answer, kicking back a stray soccer ball to some little kids. They thanked her and ran off.

“So what’s it like at the clinic?” she asked.

“Just like people in those beds who just get a kick from getting bitten” I shrugged.


“Because we release endorphins that make it pleasurable for them.”

I wonder what he looks like when he bites?’  her thoughts pondered.

“We can go there if you want? I’m a little peckish” I spoke up.

“Ok sure”

I took her hand and lead her to the clinic, I was reading her thoughts the whole way, she was curious and a little scared, I couldn’t blame her, I mean werewolves weren’t used to this sort of thing.

We walked through the door, as I greeted the Kas at the front desk, she knew me well and was also a vampire.

“Hey Kas! I’m just showing the lovely Charlotte around the realm, and she wanted to see the clinic, can I drag her in?” I asked.

“Sure Niall, the usual’s are in, here’s your pass” she handed me my card.

I thanked her and pulled Charlotte to the glass doors, scanning my card and walking into the room.

Charlotte followed behind me, looking around, her thoughts spiralling out of control. She was slightly disgusted, but also curious.

I took a seat next to Lauren, she was my regular, her blood type was O and she was quite popular for a while until we got more people to volunteer.

“Niall” she smiled, greeting me as she raised her arm up.

“You’ve been quite popular today, you still alright? Feeling light headed?” I asked.

“You would know” she chuckled.

I read her thoughts and feelings, knowing she’d be fine if I fed.

“Oh hey, who’s this?” she asked, finally spotting Charlotte.

“Oh, this is the lovely Charlotte, Charlotte, this is Lauren” I smiled.

“Hi Lauren” she smiled, shaking her hand.

“Hey Charlotte” she smiled back.

I cut any potential conversation short, lifting Lauren’s arm to suck on her wrist.

Oh wow that’s hot’ Charlotte’s thought’s echoed.

I glanced up at her momentarily, sending her thoughts into a frenzy. Once I finished I swiped my tongue over the wound, helping he process of healing a little and I was passed a cloth to wipe my mouth.

I mumbled a thanks as I pressed the cloth to my lips, wiping away any excess blood.

Lauren was still in a haze as I told her bye, still high of the euphoric chemical running through her veins.

“Why is she still like that?” Charlotte asked as we exited the clinic.

“When I bite someone, I release a chemical that goes into their veins so that they enjoy the sensation” I explained.


“It’s like a drug, some people like getting high off it”

“Oh…got it”

I took her hand and led her back to the werewolf realm, trying not to pry into where she lived so I wouldn’t freak her out. She led me there anyway, stopping me at her doorstep, holding both my hands.

“Let’s doing something again some time soon” she smiled.

“Course, I’d love to”

I flashed a smile before I leant forward, kissing her on the nose. She seemed surprised, but blushed, peering up at me through her lashes.

“Cya later Niall” she smiled shyly.

“Cya later Charlotte” I repeated.

She unlocked the door, pushing it open as she fare welled me one more time, disappearing behind the door, shutting it softly in front of me.

I chuckled to myself, turning on my heel as I made my way home, strolling down the streets peacefully, revelling the beautiful day I just had.

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