Chapter 29

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 The Great Book of Were Folk and Myths:

Page 352

Section: Creation of the Realms:

In olden times when all creatures lived in harmony and peace, one curious werewolf who sought in alchemy and such things, took it upon himself to experiment with fairy magic. After witnessing a fairy press her wings on a lifeless plant to revive its health he sought out fairies for experimentation, stealing countless fairies, taking their wings and numerous other body parts trying to make a concoction to enhance his abilities, since he, himself had a limp. He was an omega, a lone wolf who wasn’t wanted in anyone’s pack, he wasn’t strong and his limp wasn’t any help either.

Months of research and experiments on himself, ended with numerous terrible sicknesses as he finally concluded that the wings were only magical when attached to a live fairy. Once realising this he swallowed a fairy whole, the tiny body and head and everything, he felt sick for the first few days but soon gained energy and strength rapidly.

The fairies had hid themselves from him, creating a portal to a different dimension and making sure there wasn’t a way out or in. They lived off the land and were never seen again.

His limp was cured and on the full moon afterwards his wolf form had changed. His build was stronger and his eyes glowed a fiery purple, the blue of an omega and the red of an Alpha mixing together, he had approached a pack whilst in werewolf form, establishing his superiority. The pack begged him to be their leader and in a sudden urge he bit them all, slowly changing them into what he was.

They became a legendary pack of Alphas, all orange eyes except from the leader. All stronger than any other Alpha of any other pack, word spread quickly throughout the land and they formed The Empire through fear from the citizens.

The land that was once free had been warped, forcing many different species to live with one another, causing chaos and havoc over spits and arguments. A large meeting erupted and the citizens agreed on their own realms with their own people, rules were enforced and the citzens split the land.

But It’s only a Myth right?

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