Chapter 12

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As I was sleeping peacefully I was suddenly woken up…I think. I was surrounded by white, Niall’s face smiling at me.

“What the fuck?”

“Sorry, I knew you’d be asleep so I hope you don’t mind me just quickly talking to you for a few minutes.” He grimaced.

“Ok, speak”

All of a sudden the atmosphere changed, my surroundings becoming a large mansion, my attire changing into a yellow summer dress.

“Get me out of this” I gestured to the yellow monstrosity.

“You can do that” he smiled.

I immediately changed into an all-black outfit, my hair fishtailing itself.

“Much better”

Niall nodded, taking a breath before he spoke.

“So earlier tonight when Zayn had his outburst, we took him back to our place afterwards and I forced him to sleep, then I kinda invaded his thoughts…” he trailed off.


“They were filled with you, like he is absolutely obsessed, there are hundreds of thoughts and memories, I just, I thought I should tell you” he mumbled.


“Here’s a direct quote ‘she’s so fucking beautiful, why isn’t she all mine?’”

I raised an eyebrow, he seriously thought of me that way? Apparently, but why? How did he even see me? Was I really beautiful in his eyes?

“Yeah pretty much”

“Get the fuck out of my thoughts, oh my god! How do I end this dream shit?!”

“No worries, talk to you later”

He disappeared from my dreams, his laughter flying through the air, a subtle ‘bye’ thrown before he left completely.


I woke in the morning, a little pissed and confused, I hate it when Niall reads my thoughts, but I knew he couldn’t help it either. I sighed heavily, shaking my head before draping my legs over the edge of the bed, padding across the room downstairs to the kitchen.

I sat down with my cereal, shoving the mouthfuls in a little aggressively, why was I still pissed? I took another deep breath, trying to calm myself yet again. I don’t even have a reason to be pissed, what is wrong with me, bloody hell.

I washed my bowl and spoon, heading out to the gym to let out a little anger. I was relieved to find not many people there, a few people in for an early session, one of the punching bags free. I strapped on the gloves, taking a swing at the bag.

After an hour of beating up the bag I chucked the gloves back in the box, exiting the gym and heading home for a shower, I was all sweaty and disgusting. I went straight to the bathroom, not bothering to grab a change of clothes from my room.

After I had finished I wrapped a towel around my body, throwing my dirty clothes in the hamper and padding to my room.

“What the fuck?”

I glared at the five boys who I had just caught sitting on my bed together.

“Out” I gestured to the window.

Belle, we’re hiding from someone’

“Seriously Niall, fuck off out of my thoughts!” I screamed.

“Please, we need to stay here for just five more minutes” Harry pleaded.

“Then you can all hide in the hallway” I huffed, pointing them out of my room.

Zayn’s thinking really dirty thoughts right now’

I shut the door behind them all, closing the window and shutting the blinds, why was the window even fucking open? I hate the light.

I changed into a black singlet and shorts to tease Zayn, making sure enough cleavage was on display to drive him mental.

I opened the door, letting them in again as they claimed my room was ‘safe.’ I leant back on my headboard, letting them take seats on the various beanbags scattered around the room.

“So, explain yourselves on why you are here and ‘hiding’”

“It’s all Zayns fault!” Louis claimed.

“Some guy witnessed me punch up your…friend and I don’t know, wanted revenge or some shit, he’s got a whole group ganging up on me” Zayn mumbled.

“So you came here?”

“Yeah, sorry, we didn’t mean intrude, but we needed to hide, we apologise” Liam gushed.

“Niall read your thoughts to find out you were at the gym!” Louis shouted.

“What did I say about doing that” I shot Niall a glare.

“You know I can’t help it!” he frowned.

I mentally apologised, receiving a thanks from him.

“So are those guys still looking for you?” I asked.

“They’re leaving our place in 3 minutes” Harry piped up.

“Ok, 3 minutes, I’m counting” I grumbled, taking out my phone.

We sat there for a silent 3 minutes, Niall transferring me straight to zayns thoughts where he was going fucking insane.

I knew it.

When Harry gave the all clear they got up, each of them thanking me, Zayn’s eyes trailing to my chest momentarily as he walked out of the door.

Different worldsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz