Chapter 15

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Belle’s POV

I dashed out the door, making a beeline for the bin as I quickly lifted the lid up, tossing the rubbish bag inside. I leaped over to the mailbox, quickly grabbing the contents and sprinting back inside, I slammed the door, puffing from the adrenaline of taking out the rubbish. I hated the task of putting the rubbish out, it was always such a perfect horror scene, and I was always on edge about what might lurk out from the woods as well.

I sorted through the mail, bills for mum, pizza coupons and a very formal letter.

I set the rest on the table, slicing open the formal letter, it was addressed to ‘the residents of this house.’

I scanned through it quickly, finding out that it was about the trial of the two realms, I didn’t bother reading on, I already knew about it. I discarded the paper on the table, trudging up to my room. Where I slept for the rest of the night, until I was rudely interrupted by one of those Niall dream things.

“Belle” he smiled hopefully.

“You know how I feel about this!” I raged.

“Sorry, sorry, this is just a request from Zayn”


I nodded sharply for him to continue.

The environment changed dramatically, from white surroundings to a tall glass building, I was on the top level in the penthouse, it looked like the Empire, a place where everyone was free to roam without judgement or criticism, a beautiful land of equality.

I seemed alone in this building, as the sun kissed my body, warm rays lightly dancing around the room. I turned around as I heard a noise, Zayn emerging from the shadows. He was clad in black jeans and a white shirt, a dark leather jacket and brown boots. Hot.

“Belle” he smiled.

“Zayn” I nodded.

“So um, about the woods the other night, where we um…” he trailed off nervously, eyes on his feet.

“What about it?” I asked.

“I um… d-did you enjoy it?” he raised a hand to scratch the back of his neck nervously.

Very much so.

“It was interesting” I shrugged, trying to keep a cool composure, as my head rolled to look at the ground.

“Is that a yes or a no?” he snapped suddenly.

My head shot up, eyes staring back into his.

“Yes” I replied, not missing a beat.


He lunged at me, lips furiously attacking mine, we toppled off the edge of the balcony freefalling until we landing in a bed, a completely different room setting to the one before.

Deep red plush curtains draped over the windows, a very nice four post master bed that we were currently lying in, looking absolutely exquisite and very expensive. I couldn’t help but look around as he pressed hungry kisses to my neck, quickly trailing down to my chest.

I stopped him as he swooped in to drag my shirt away from my chest with his teeth, a slightly confused look set on his face as I cupped it between my hands.

“Not all the way okay?” I set a limit.

He nodded, eager to get back to my shirt.

As he kissed the valley between my breasts I thought of dark lingerie on my body, earning a smirk from zayn, I reached out to touch his shoulder, letting his clothes vanish before me, leaving only his boxers on. His arms and chest were littered with tattoos, all different sorts, it was incredible.

He chuckled as he sat up, now straddling my waist trailing his eyes up and down my body.

“You’re breath taking” he panted lightly.

His hand skimmed up to cup my breast, lightly squeezing as his thumb traced over my nipple.

I squeezed my eyes shut at the sensation, moaning slightly as he tugged the thin material down a little, gaining enough access to run his tongue across my nipple. I inhaled sharply at the sudden pleasure, opening my eyes slowly to stare him in the eye.

“I want them shut, it increases the pleasure” his deep voice spoke.

He materialised a red blindfold in his hand, waving it through the air, smirking as he leant forward to tie it around my eyes.

He pressed a hot kiss to my lips as his hands trailed down my entity, gripping onto my hips as he ground his forming bulge down onto my raging libido.

He was quick in the removal of my lace panties, sliding them down my legs before throwing them away, I felt him sit between my legs, raising my hips up, my knees resting on his shoulders, his face between my thighs.

I gasped as he pressed a kiss to my clit, swiping his tongue down to press into me. I writhed underneath him, steady hands holding my hips still.

“Stay still, or I’ll stop” he growled.

I stopped instantly, under the mercy of his tongue as he continued his sweet torture. Feeling him circle his tongue around my genital, wrapping his lips around my clit and sucking.

My whines for pleasure were becoming louder as his tongue delved into me, my breathing erratic as he fitted a finger in, curling it against my g-spot.

“Zayn” I fisted the sheets in my hands as I spoke his name, my face contorting into mix of pleasure and pain.

He licked a stripe up my clit, fitting two fingers in now. He pumped slowly, allowing me to get used to the feeling before he licked the entrance, sucking on my pussy lips, still slowly pumping his fingers in and out.

After a few minutes of his slow heated sensual assault I felt a build up of pleasure, tightening my muscles around his fingers. I felt a smirk against my entrance, a mumble of ‘let go’ hushed through the air.

I relaxed my muscles as I gave myself to him, crying out as I finally orgasmed, letting Zayn lick me up before my legs were placed back down on the mattress, the blindfold taken from my eyes as a swift kiss was placed to my mouth.

“Did you like it?” he mumbled, tugging me into an embrace.

I nuzzled my face into his neck, still a little breathless from my orgasm. I nodded  as he traced his fingers lightly down my back, letting the rest of my skimpy lace outfit disappear under his touch.

“Is Niall monitoring this dream?” I asked quickly, remembering this was all just a dream thing of Nialls.

“He’s in the other room, I’ve done this sort of thing before. If you want to leave, fall asleep, or go find him.”

I tightened my grip on Zayn, tugging the sheets up to cover us.

“You want to sleep with me huh?” he grinned.

“Be quiet and let me sleep” I hushed.

“Alright then, go to sleep love.”

He kissed my forehead, petting my hair until I drifted back into the real world.


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