Chapter 32

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Jay’s POV

The fairies had flitted out of their realm to gush over what happened to Belle as I grabbed one, trapping her in a container. Andrew’s pack ran out from the trees, grabbing Belle to carry her away.

The fairies flew into a frenzy, realising they were under threat, sealing off the portal to their realm forever, but I didn’t care, I had what I needed.

We trekked back to Andrew’s den, tying Belle up to a chair and opening the container that held the fairy, I held her tight as she struggled in my grasp, shouting that she was worthless, and not even useful.

“It’s not me that you want!” she screamed, banging her fists on my hand.

“Shut up, yes I do”

She wriggled some more, continuing to scream and protest until I held her upside down, soon making her woozy enough to shut up.

The fairy was a petite little creature who was dainty and beautiful, but I had to do what I needed to do.

“Alright, we don’t exactly want to see you eat the fairy so we set up a room yeah? Take as much time as you need”

I stalked slowly into the room, smiling at the layout. They’d gone to a lot of trouble to set up the room. I sat on the bed, dangling the little body back and forth between my fingers. I had to do it now or never.

I figured it’d be better if I finished this with haste, folding her body in half and opening my mouth wide, tipping my head back to let the fairy fall into my throat, my oesophagus doing all the involuntary work of letting the fairy travel to my stomach to do the rest of the work.

I felt disgusting, and over the next hour I only started feeling worse, I felt like I was going to vomit and faint.

“You’re burning up” One of the pack members mumbled, removing the back of his hand from my forehead, he had been trained in first aid, a good ally to be in a pack. “Just lay in a slightly raised position, here, let me fix the pillows” he reached out to tilt the pillows into a slightly raised position, keeping me covered up even though I felt like on was on fire.

“Let me go! What the fuck?!”

“Might need to check on the were-cat” he mumbled. He refilled my water glass before exiting the room, leaving me to listen to Belle’s screams.

“Who the fuck do you think you are?!”

I heard an inhumanly growl emerge from the other room, followed by a chair break and a few more crashes.

“Get off me!”

“Let her go” I turned my head lazily at the appearance of the new voice, burrowing my brows together, who was that voice?

“Niall, thank god”

“N-no” I struggled to warn the others. “Stop them” I strained out.

They couldn’t take Belle, she had to stay here, once out, she’d ruin everything and blab to the world, we had to have the element of surprise to attack and win.

I smiled lazily as I heard a frequency scream, followed by two thumps, they were passed out probably, there was some rustling before Andrew appeared in the doorway, arms crossed over his chest.

“Where do you want me to put them?” he asked.

“Base-ment” I strained.

He nodded curtly as he exited the room.


“I feel stronger… like everything is so delicate in my hands and I-I feel like there’s something building up inside” I mumbled to the group, they had asked me what I felt like since I was now feeling better, it had been four days since I had swallowed the fairy and this morning I had only started feeling better, I had been fed and made sure that my fluids were kept at a reasonable rate.

Belle’s POV

I snarled at a rat as it peered up at me, it had been for the past several minutes, just sitting there, watching me.

It scampered away as my head transformed into a werewolf, hiding in the corner, cowering with its tail wrapped around itself.

The lads are going to break us out tonight when everyone goes out”

“How do you know that everyone else is going out?”

“I controlled the…Andrew guy? I suggested a celebratory party in the pit, they’re going to come in through the window and cut our ropes”

“Why can’t you get us out again?”

“I can’t undo knots”


“Shut up”

Niall had telepathically informed me that we were being broken out of here tonight, we had been planning this for four days. We had been waiting for Jay to get better since the pack were on high alert to protect their new Alpha from any attackers.

They had constantly kept their guard up and there was always one person who was awake, but tonight they were going out to party, leaving the house empty, and forgetting all about us, Niall had warned me to not make any noise and attract attention as he signalled the others to come and rescue us.

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