Chapter 17

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AN: Chapter 17 already?!?!


I woke up an hour later, my head on Jay’s chest. He was snoring softly, his head resting on one of my stuffed toys I still kept for sentimental reasons.

I sat up on my bed, rubbing my eyes with loosely balled fists. I stretched and yawned, looking towards Jay who grumbled from loss of warmth. I scruffed his hair and stood up, regaining my balance before stumbling to the bathroom. I emptied out my bladder and ran my tongue over my teeth, deciding I needed to brush my teeth.

Once I had finished I dragged my feet back into my room, spotting a bright yellow sticky note on an empty bed.

I picked it up, recognising Jay’s messy handwriting scrawled across the sticky note.

Had to get home, sorry for not waiting –Jay :)’

I stuck the note to my desk, wandering over to the open curtains. My hand caught the material, tugging one side of it closed. I paused as I spotted movement lurking in the shadows, peering further into the darkness.

The brown boots and leather jacket confirmed it was Zayn, a smirk playing on his lips as he ducked his head forward, shooting a questioning glare up at me. I tugged the curtain open quickly, opening the window and sliding out, feline legs absorbing the impact. I gained my composure once more, quickly bounding over to where Zayn stood.

I toppled him over in a hug, a deep chuckled emitting from his throat.

“You’re eager to see me” he chuckled.

I nuzzled my lips into his neck, planting a hot kiss to his jaw.

“I just came to say hi, let’s not fuck in the bushes yeah?” he asked, a hint of amusement in his voice.

I bit down on a giggle, sitting up on his pelvis.

Easy” he grunted, jolting up, hands quick to lift me from his hips, I laughed at his reaction, swivelling my hips on purpose to tease him.

His eyes blazed red, dulling down to caramel in a split moment, I froze, his lips muffling my surprised squeak as he pinned me down to the forest floor.

He glided his tongue over my bottom lip, pressing a heavy kiss to my mouth, retracting slightly to tug on my lower lip with his slightly elongating incisors.

“Let’s not fuck in the bushes yeah?” I asked, using his words against him, my breath coming out in short pants.

He chuckled huskily in my ear, nipping at my earlobe.

“Let’s not then” he kissed me quickly before standing up, offering his hand to help me up.

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