Chapter 18

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A/N: i had lots of fun writing this chapter :)


I woke up cuddled underneath Zayn, his face nuzzled into my neck, his hair tickling my cheek.

I patted it down and brushed it to the side, away from my face. His hands which I now realised were around my waist, hugging me tightly to him. One of his legs draped over my right one, settling between both of my legs.

He was cute when he slept, his face angelic and sweet. He wasn’t pouting like usual, as I had observed, and that made him even better to stare at.

I reached up to trace his eyelashes softly, admiring how they curled up almost like he was wearing mascara.

They flicked open slightly revealing the sweet caramel brown underneath.

“Morning” he grumbled softly, he tightened his hold on me even further if that were possible and kissed my collar bone gently.

“Morning sleepy head” I mumbled, slightly amused.

He groaned into my neck, rubbing his nose up against my jaw.

Did you guys want any food?”

Food!” I struggled underneath Zayn’s hold to get up and venture down to the kitchen.

“Stay, please” he whined.

“Bu-But Food” I dragged out the last word.

“Fine, go eat” he laughed.

I scrambled out of bed, racing downstairs towards the kitchen.

“Food food food” I chanted as I made a grab for one of the plates, taking the fork that zoomed through the air to my hand.

“Thanks Niall” I sat down at the table, shovelling the eggs and bacon into my mouth.

The rest of the boys sat down at the table with blood bags, taking swigs out of the small opening they made with their teeth.

“Morning again” Zayn mumbled in my ear as he stumbled lazily down the stairs, he kissed my cheek as Harry wolf whistled, chuckling quietly as Zayn nicked his ear with a flame.


“Where are you taking me Belle” Zayn mumbled as I continued to tug on his hand.

“Keep walking” I huffed.

He mumbled something incoherent and continued to follow me through the woods.

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