Chapter 23

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“Belle? We have a problem” I was woken from my slumber, peeking up out of Zayns chest, to the four boys stood in my room.

“How did you get in?”

“That’s besides the point because there’s trouble ahead.” Harry frowned.

“Spill” I yawned, nudging Zayn slightly.

“5 more minutes” he whined.

“Okay” I kissed his temple.

“I-I don’t exactly know when it’s going to happen, but it was about the bonfire” Harry’s eyebrows squeezed together in a frown, a stern look on his face.

“They’re still going after that? I thought no one pressed legal charges”

“Seems like someone has a huge grudge against Vampires and they’re trying to lock Zayn up” Liam gushed.

“I heard my name” Zayns eyes opened, yawning cutely before setting his gaze onto the four. “What are you guys..?”

“Someone’s pressing legal charges over when you punched up Belle’s friend”

“They’re still going on about that?”

“Yes, and now its getting serious”

“Okay, can I just deal with this later, you know how I get without sleep” he mumbled.

“Yeah, yeah of course, see you later”

They all shuffled out, shutting the door behind them.

“How did you sleep?” Zayn mumbled, peering down at me.

“Quite nice”

“Good, now get some more sleep, can I sleep on you? I love you” he rambled.

I was still kind of getting used to this whole ‘I love you’ thing, We’d only known eachother for a short period of time and we’ve already fallen for eachother, its something I’d never think would happen, but it feels right. It all seems so surreal and weird, but also nice and comforting. I was still amazed that a vampire this how was interested in me though, it gave me a warm bubbly feeling when I thought about it.

“You can sleep on me for sure” I shuffled to be in a better position before I was pinned down by his body draping over mine, his arm and leg slung around me to keep me close.


After Zayn had gotten his beauty sleep we went to the hut to try and see if Harry had any more info.

“I’m sorry guys, I don’t know when it’s going to happen…I just keep getting flashes of us all in court, Zayns the one in trouble and your friend is the victim” Harry’s eyebrows pinched together, trying to dot any more flashes he could remember.

“What about Niall? Could he use his powers?” I asked.

“Not that easy babe, you see, once Vampires connect bonds we become almost immune each other’s powers.” He paused. “But simple commands would work, like mind reading and a little bit of control, but for Niall to force Harry to sleep and open up his unconscious would be a strong command and it wouldn’t work.”

"Oh…Damn, okay”

“I wish it would work too” Harry flashed a sympathetic smile.

“Know any other mind readers?” I asked, shrugging my shoulders.



“I wish I could help” Harry grimaced.

“You already have, don’t worry”

“Okay, I’m going to find Louis”

“Have fun” Zayn winked.

“Shut up”

We laughed as Harry walked up the stairs, shutting his door behind him.

“Are you nervous about this? I mean you’re the one whose going to get into so much shit for this, you didn’t have a reason to punch him after all” I huffed.

“I thought that prick would mind his own business” he ground down on his jaw.

“Jay isn’t a prick! He would never do such a thing, I’ve known him for ages, we’re the best of friends, he never even stands up for himself, Zayn, if I’m going to be your girlfriend, you’re going to have to show some respect to the ones I care about and give me a little freedom” I huffed.

“Who said anything about being my girlfriend?” he smirked down at me, one eyebrow raised suggestively.

“I-I um..”

“You um, what?” he leant in closer.

“Shut up” I whacked his arm, turning away from him.

“I’d love to be your boyfriend” one of his arms caught my waist and pulled me into his chest, his lips pressing to my forehead.

“Good” I smiled.

“Do you wanna go on a date or something to celebrate our status?” he asked.

“Just keep yourself safe and give the court less reasons to send you to jail.” I stroked his face, slapping his cheek softly.

“Looks like I’ll have to stay with you” he shrugged, tightening his hold on me.

“Looks like it” I smiled.


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