Chapter 20

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I lay down next to Zayn while he lay down in the sun, he hadn’t burnt yet, but only a few minutes had passed anyway. The sun was warm and slowly in the process of drying out Zayns clothes on the bank next to us.

“Can you use your fire power to dry the clothes quicker?” I asked, trailing my fingertip over his flat stomach.

“Then you’d stop playing with my stomach” he tutted. “Now I couldn’t have that, could I?” he mocked in a teasing tone.

I giggled as he slung an arm around me, pressing his plump lips to my forehead.

“But they’d dry faster” I mumbled.

“Yes they would”

“So can you do it?”

“I wanna lay here with you if that’s okay”

“That’s fine”

“Good” he brushed my hair back from my face, twirling a lock around his finger.

I melted into his touch, I almost always fell asleep when people played with my hair, and Zayn was doing a good job of sending me to sleep at the moment.

“Go to sleep if you want” he mumbled after a few short minutes.

I nodded, turning my face into his chest.


I woke after sensing movement, the comfort of Zayn’s presence removing itself as I blinked my eyes open, peering around to watched Zayn shimmy his way into his now dry jeans.

He stretched his arms over his head to slip his shirt on, his head poking through as he ruffled his hair, swooping it down to the right. He turned back to me, smirking slightly.

“Have a nice sleep?” he asked.

“Great actually”

“Good, we should get back, the sun is setting” he nodded.

He helped me up and held onto my hand as we flitted back to the tree, swooping through one of the openings and settling down on the base of the tree where the other fairies were gathered.

“Are you two leaving now?” One of them frowned.

“It’s getting dark, we probably should” he shrugged.

“Oh but didn’t Belle tell you about the time difference?!”

“Shit, I forgot, well in that case we’ll stay for food” I smiled.

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