Chapter 30

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Jay smiled at me with bright eyes, holding something behind his back. He had knocked on my door out of the blue, I didn’t want to see him and was still in a sour mood from when Zayn had been locked up.

“Look I got something to celebrate” he grinned, he stuck out a dvd case between us, the title of the fifth Tinker bell movie printed out on the cover. My jaw dropped, he had the movie on a DVD, I usually only downloaded movies but this was a hard copy and I wasn’t even sure that it was out on DVD yet, hard copies were ten times better.

“No way” I squealed.

I had to fake my excitement in front of Jay, I mean I was excited for Tinker bell, even though I’ve already seen it with Zayn… Jay hadn’t though…and I was still grudging a little against him for locking my boyfriend up, but he was my best friend since forever.

“You get the movie snacks and I’ll set up the projector! Omg!” I ran into my room, acting as I normally would react.

He came up with popcorn and lollies as I paused the beginning, waiting for him to get settled.

We placed the food between our beanbags, moulding into our cushions and blindly grabbing the lollies, our eyes fixed on the screen as the movie began.

“Do you think Fairies actually exist?” Jay mumbled halfway through the movie.

“Of course, why not?”

“Yeah, but like do you think they’re actually still out there somewhere? Aren’t they extinct or something?” he pressed.

“Maybe there might be some out there” I mumbled.

“How cool would that be though? To fly and stuff, do you think they’d just have to sprinkle you with a bit of pixie dust and then you’d be able to float?” he asked, his face lighting up.

“I have no idea man, but flying would be pretty cool” I grinned back.

“I know right” His smile faltered slightly, only flickering for a moment before he turned back to the movie, the slightest of frowns on his face, the kind of frown of disappointment.

He left straight after the movie, mumbling about getting back to his mum and something he needed to do, he didn’t even glance back or give me a hug, that was strange…he always stops to give me hugs, what the hell was going on with him? I thought he was happy that he won his case, why is he in such a sour mood now?

The next morning I received a text to meet him at the forest, saying that he set a picnic up for us, asking me to meet him up at noon. I had an hour to prepare and was soon in my feline form, leaping to the forest as noon ticked closer.

I pounced on him as I got closer, my paws on his arms, holding him down and hearing his laughter echo throughout the trees. I licked my sandpaper tongue on his soft cheek, purring softly as he scratched me behind my ear, in the sweet spot, oh the perfect sweet spot, I leant into his touch, mewling like a kitten.

“I brought your favourite cookies” he mumbled.

I changed into my human from rapidly as I bounded over to the basket of treats he had brought.

“Ooh, white chocolate chip cookies” I licked my lips.

“Hey, not until we’re at the clearing” he protested.

“What are we waiting for then?”

I happily carried the food while he lead us to the clearing, the area soon becoming familiar as I realised we were nearing the fairy tree, the moss and large expanse of the brown trunk through a few trees.

“Wow” I whistled, re-enacting my first time arriving at this place.

“Isn’t it neat? I found it a few weeks ago, how cool is it!” he grinned.

We set up the blanket and placed the containers of food around us, eating the sandwiches first before moving onto the snacks, lollies, cookies and two cupcakes.

“That was so good” I smiled happily as he lay down on his back next to me, arms outstretched behind his head.

“Mum makes good cookies” he grinned.

“Your mum makes good everything” I nudged his elbow with mine.

“True that” he laughed.

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