Chapter 33

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They’re all gone, making their way to the pit now.”

“How long until they come to save us?”

“They’re on the border, waiting for my signal”


I took a deep breath, in a few minutes, they would be here, and we would be out of here, Niall told me Jay had eaten a fairy and explained some Legend about an omega eating a fairy to become super powerful or something. Niall knew their plan to take over the Empire and was adamant about getting out. Now all I had to do was wait it out until they came.

Jay’s POV

I was passed a beer as Andrew jeered, pissed drunk and dancing around the fire in the middle of the pit, music playing from the stereo. I was just happy I survived eating a fairy, halfway through the trials I thought of killing myself, death would have been less painful than what I was going through. The fairy I had eaten had become my conscience a voice that talked to me, she was now my spirit, I owed her, she had told me of what would happen, what I would go through when I had first dozed to sleep.


I groaned groggily at the feeling of a warm towel on my forehead, turning my head slightly, wincing at the pain.

“Have a sip” a hushed voice spoke gently.

A glass was pressed to my lips, the cooling feeling of water slipping and sloshing down my throat, it eased my burning dry throat for a short moment, letting me relax. Sleep came soon after there was silence.

“Young Jay, turn to the light” I spun around at the unfamiliar voice, my eyes adjusting to a bright purple glow.

“Whose there?” I frowned.

“I am Vii…the fairy that you consumed, I will be taking my place as your spirit.” Her voice was light and soft, almost reassuring, she’d be in my head?

“I will be your conscience and guidance to help with your growing abilities. You are in debt to me, since you stole my power” there was a hint of vengeance in her tone, almost threatening.

“And if I decide to leave…I take the power with me, your decisions are still yours but if you disrespect me you will have three times to do so before I decide to leave you on your own, in the state that you were before.”

I took a moment to process her words, I didn’t have full control over the power, it was just mine temporarily. As long as she stayed I had the control to dominate the realms.

“Okay.” I nodded, my answer was firm.

“You will be taken through trials, once over, you shall claim the red power, mixed with the blue of an omega to become a purple alpha”

*flashback ended*

I had made it through the torture of the fever and immense aching pain of my joints, earaches, stomach aches and hot flashes whilst feeling the need to be wrapped up and warm.

It was torturous that I could not seek comfort food either as it would only come back up a few minutes later, not even having a chance to be digested. I had been reminded constantly what was waiting as my prize, a promise of purple eyes and enough power to tip the balance of peace upside down.

“What happened to Belle?”

“What?” I mumbled under my breath.

What did you do to her after she woke up when you were sick?”

Blurred thoughts brought me back, Belle had been screaming, and that stupid vampire came to save her…What happened to them? I furrowed my eyebrows as I tried to bring back the memories.

“Andrew!” I stood up to join him, slinging one of my arms around him.

“Our King!” he jeered.

“What happened to Belle and the vampire?” I smiled, if they had been let go, I swear-

“Locked up underneath the den” he grinned lazily.

“I’m going to go and see if that’s true” I slapped his back lightly, leaving the group drunk and tipsy.

Something didn’t feel right and I knew it, I had made sure to get to the den as fast as I could, to see if they were still there as my gut feeling told me they were escaping.

I flung open the door to the den, it’s what they liked to call it, I might as well play along, it wouldn’t be my permanent residence since I planned to live in the Empire.

I was picking up voices from the dungeon, the scraping of metal.. They were making their escape!

As I reached the cell door I peered through, watching as the blonde vampire held out his hand, reaching out for Belle’s. She couldn’t escape, they needed her to persuade the world.

No one would believe a bunch of preppy vampires but they’d believe a poor innocent girl, especially if she started crying. That trick had been used one too many times on me, I knew how persuasive she could be.

I lunged forward to grab her as she was getting pulled out of the cell through broken bars. My hand gripped her ankle tightly as I yanked her down, wrapping her tightly in my arms, my claws grew large, placing a thick, strong nail on her throat.

“Take one step closer I dare you”

“Leave without me!!” she screamed.

They fled in the blink of an eye.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2014 ⏰

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