Chapter 19

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I continued up the stairs, exiting to the first opening branch to change into the shirt I had been given.

It shimmered as I moved it in the sunlight and I removed my shirt quickly before slipping the silky soft material over my head.

I walked back down the stairs, spotting Zayn looking absolutely terrified. He glanced nervously as a fairy flitted forward, placing her hands on his back.

“This only tickles, don’t worry” she assured with a little giggle.

He cringed as she started the spell, soon stepping back to watch him sprout a glittering pair of wings.

“My turn!” I shouted, dashing down the stairs.

“Of course Belle! Then you can fly him around!” one of the fairies exclaimed.

She flew to me as I faced my back to her, letting her chant the spell.

I wiggled my shoulders as I felt the warm sensation on my back, glancing to see the wings I had grown fond of. The transparent, glossy works of art sprouted on my back.

I turned to look at Zayn, laughing at his shocked expression.

“How do these work?” he asked.

“Faith, trust and pixie dust” I winked, reciting the lines from Tinker bell and Peter pan.

“So, where’s the pixie dust?” he looked around warily.

“It’s just a saying!” I laughed, I jumped up into the air, continuing to rise upward with the help of the fluttering wings on my back.

“All to do with the imagination” I hovered in front of him, extending a hand for him to take.

“Lets your wildest dreams to fly become real.” I shot up into the air, arms extended out by my side, staring down at him from the top of the tree.

“You can never fall!” I shouted, looping through the air.

I flitted back down to Zayn, taking both his hands this time.

“C’mon Zayn, you can be free” I grinned widely.

He glanced back warily at his glittery wings which didn’t seem to suite him and he looked back at me, fear laced through his eyes.

“Up we go, don’t worry, I was the same when I first started” I grinned.

“C’mon Everyone, let’s go!” one fairy squealed.

They all shot to the air in a large cluster, the glittering of wings and twinkling of laughs echoing throughout the tree.

“I feel demasculated” he mumbled under his breath.

“C’mon let’s fly” I tugged on his hand a little.

“I don’t know how” he mumbled.

“Imagine yourself as superman” I grinned. “Don’t think about it, just superman it” I tugged some more.

“That didn’t make sense” he shook his head, a smile on his face.

“Exactly superman, let’s save someone!” I tugged again once more, feeling happy as his feet finally left the ground.

“Shit” he grasped my hand tightly as I tugged him further into the air.

“No fear” I grinned.

“I’m not scared” he shot quickly, gritting his teeth.

I laughed, tugging him further and higher up into the air.

“They could’ve given me cooler wings or something” he groaned. “Like devil wings, that’d be cool” he grinned.

I let him mumble on as I took him higher, letting his subconscious thoughts flow freely.

“Oh geez, we’re high” his gripped tightened immediately as he made the mistake of looking down.

“C’mon all the way to the top, you can’t die, you’re already dead, keep going” I assured in a sweet tone.

“Shut up”



“Look I got it!” Zayn zoomed around freely, looping through the air.

I hovered in mid-air, arms crossed over my chest as I took in the sight, Zayn acting like a complete child as he flew around, whizzing past me to skim across the lake.

“This is so fun!” he dipped his hand into the water as he let it skim over the surface, creating a temporary parting in his path.

He torpedoed over the water, spinning several times as the water soaked through his wings.

A laughed erupted from my mouth as he plummeted into the lake, a confused look on his face as he sat up in the shallow waters.

“Never ever get your wings wet silly” I giggled.

I flitted over to him, hauling him up and out of the lake, setting him on the grass where he walked around, shaking his back around to dry his clothes and wings.

“Do you think my shirt would dry faster if I took it off?” he asked, looking back at me.

A small smirk formed on his lips as he pulled it over his wings and body. He tossed the garment to the ground, turning his back to me to unbuckle his jeans.

“Zayn” I warned, knowing exactly what he was trying to do.

“What?” he asked innocently, he turned his head as he slid his wet jeans down his legs, leaving him in his tight black boxer briefs.

“Zayn” I warned once again.

“Mhmm?” he asked with a slight smirk.

“I know exactly what your doing” I averted my eyes, biting down on my bottom lip.

“I’m just drying myself off” he flashed me a smile.

He lay down on the grass, lifting his arms above his head to rest on his hands. I continued to stand there for a while, lusting over his physique, he was fit and my eyes trailed over his abdomen, my tongue running over my bottom lip.

“C’mere Belle, I know you want to” he teased.



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