Chapter Ten

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Hailey's POV

I didn't get one once of sleep last night. I was constantly tossing and turning, waking up every hour or so. I was honestly nervous about Isaac wanting to meet my dad, but at the same time I was happy and excited about seeing Isaac again. I could not stop thinking about Isaac since Friday night, since our kiss out in my drive way. I'll admit I was a little bothered when Isaac didn't text me later that night like he said he would have, but I tried not to let it get the best of me. Good thing too. Isaac did end up calling me the next morning and apologized, apparently he had got drunk and misplaced his phone. 

Aside from the sleepless night that i had, I ended up waking up an hour before my alarm went off. I decided that it was pointless to try and get some sleep and actually decided to stay awake. A couple minutes after just laying in bed I finally decided to get up and shower. I decided to only take a body shower, seeing how I had just washed my hair yesterday morning. After my quick shower I got dressed and decided that i would attempt to make my hair look decent today. My hair was naturally a weird straight on top and crazy puffy mess at the bottom. I pulled out my straightener and plugged it in, I thought about putting some curls in my hair but decided that straightening it would probably be easier.

I actually took my time with my hair this morning, I didn't want it to be a frizzy mess so it took me about almost 30 minutes to get it all straight. It was almost 7 in the morning by the time I was done with it, I unplugged my hot iron and walked back into my room. I noticed just how dark the circles under my eyes were and decided to put on some light concealer. I only placed some on my bags though, I left my freckles alone today, I decided that I would leave them exposed for the world to see. They weren't too bad, they were fairly light and only on the top of my cheeks, I got them from my mother, she also had freckles on her face. Caleb looked more like my father and I like my mother, although Caleb too had my moms green eyes like I did, but he didn't have her crazy auburn hair, he had my dad's dark locks.

By the time that I was fully satisfied with my face, hair, and outfit, it was nearly 7:20. I grabbed my phone and bag, making my way down stairs. My dad was already up and of course dressed for work, he was standing near the kitchen sink making his daily morning coffee.

"Hi, dad!"

He turns to look behind him, as I grab a banana off of the table. "Hey, sweetheart. You were up pretty early today."

"Yeah," I sigh as I start to peel my fruit open. "I couldn't sleep for some strange reason."

"Hail, please." He eyes my a banana, "eat some real breakfast."

I take a bite of my fruit, while shaking my head. "I'm not that hungry."

My father rolls his eyes at me and is about to say something when his cell phone starts ringing. He pulls it out of his pocket and groans to himself when he sees whoever is calling. He answers it and brings the phone up to his ear, "Summers." He prompts his phone onto his shoulder, holding it with the side of his face as he continues to make his coffee.

I walk over behind him and grab a small glass from the dish rack on the counter, and take the gallon of milk out of the fridge. Im pouring some milk into the glass when my dad starts shouting into his phone. "No! I specifically said no, Booth! Leave that shit alone, I'll handle it when I get to the office!"

I look over at my dad while taking a drink of my milk, and he flashes me a small smile as he continues to yell at his partner. I take another bite of my banana when I hear my phone ring in my bag. I walk over to the table where my bags at taking another small drink of my milk. I set my glass down on the table and pull my phone out, I immediately smile when I see that I have message from Isaac.

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