The Beginning

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As I woke up, the smell of breakfast filled the air. Cars were bickering as traffic took control. I turned over in my bed and I checked the clock.


I groaned as I got out of bed, my eyes squinting as the Sun shone through the room. I went into the bathroom and did my routine and headed to the kitchen.

Beyoncè roared through the entire kitchen and my roommate, Leayah, was dancing to the song "Drunk in Love".

"We be all night, love, love! We be all night, love!

"You're singing that song again? That's like the 6th time this week!" I groaned, as I plopped down on the barstool.

"Leah, you know I love this song. I don't even know why you're complaining 'bout it.", said Leayah. I rolled my eyes and grabbed my IPhone.

"I made your favorite!", smiled Leayah. My eyes was still glued to my phone.


" I dropped my phone automatically and reached for the plate of pancakes.

" So, whatcha gonna do today? You know I got work today.", asked Leayah.

" I don't know. Maybe I'll go man-hunting....again.", I exclaimed sarcastically, putting both of my thumbs up.

"Leah, you don't have to do that. You're a very pretty girl. Any guy would love to be with you.", reassured Leayah.

"Oh really? Well explain how you have a boyfriend and I don't?! I mean, we live in California, I should of been found a guy by now!" I exclaimed, flailing my arms in the air.

" You'll find someone, I know you will. How about we go to a party on Saturday? My boyfriend knows this guy named Jorge and I hear he has some good-looking friends.", said Leayah.

I haven't been to a party in a long time. And when I say long time I mean since high school. Yeah I know, call me old but ever since me and Leayah moved to California, nothing exciting has happened yet. Well at least to me of course. Leayah met him on Kik and they immediately hit it off. His name is Trey. He's a really cool guy. Dude's like my big brother! But maybe I'll meet my soulmate at this party.

" Hell, why not?" I gave in.

" Yay!!!!! Well the party is tomorrow so be ready! And when I get off from work, we're going shopping!!" Leayah said excitedly. I laughed and ate the last piece of my pancake. After I finished, I took a shower and put on some skinny jeans, my black high heeled sneakers, my Superman crop top, and my Superman snapback.

" Well I'm out. See you later Leayah!" I said as I walked out the door.

"See ya!"she shouted through the bathroom door. I grabbed my purse and my phone and headed out the door.

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