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I woke up the next morning feeling refreshed and purified. I've never felt this way before. As I got out of bed, I headed to the bathroom and wash my face. Then, the smell of French toast filled the air.

"Hmmm. French toast.", I said smelling the cinnamon in the air. I headed for the kitchen and started humming to "Happy" by Pharell Williams. Leayah turned around and gave me a weird look.

"Um Leah? Are you okay? You've never act like this since.... well ever!" Leayah said with a weird expression.

"Oh Leayah! My sweet darling Leayah! I'm just happy. It's such a beautiful day! It feels like I got butterflies in my stomach!" I exclaimed while spinning around and landed on the barstool.

"What happened last night? I leave you alone and you're leaving the party depressed like you leavin' your boo thang behind!" Leayah said flailing her arms in the air.

"Well, something like that happened." I said grabbing 3 French toasts.

"Leah???" questioned Leayah, "Tell me what happened?"

"Okay. So you remember that guy I told you about that hit on me at the pizzeria?" I asked rapidly.


"Well, he was at the party yesterday and his name is Josh and we talked all night long and we danced too. We was about to kiss until you said you got tired and we had to leave.

"OMG!! I'm so sorry! I ruined your moment!" Leayah cried out putting both hands on her face.

"But! He said he wanted to see me again, so I gave him my phone number.", I finished smiling.

"Aww! That's so cute! See I knew you was gonna find the right guy!" Leayah stated. I gave in a small smile and started eating my French toasts.


As the day progressed, me and Leayah decided that we would have Lazy Sunday. I was wearing my big Superman t-shirt and gray yoga pants that accentuated my hips and my butt. I was watching Living Single and Leayah was on the phone talking to Trey. A commercial came on and my phone rang.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Hey! It's me, Josh." A smile appeared on my face.

"Hey! How's it going?"

"Good. Eric and Jorge had to help me clean up my house after the party, but everything is good now."

"Why are you good now?"

" 'Cause I'm hearing your voice." I blushed through the phone and smiled.

" I'm sorry. Was that cheesy?" asked Josh.

"No! Well yes,but when you say it, it's sounds just fine." I said. For a few more minutes we talked about our friends and our past years. We told jokes and laughed a bit. He also told me about the videos he makes on YouTube.

"So you had to eat cat food in one of your videos?!" I asked while laughing.

"Yeah. And it didn't taste nor smell too good either.", Josh laughed. I laughed hysterically.



"Um.... I was wondering if we could hang out today. You know, just drive, walk around, go to stores and stuff." said Josh.

"Umm..sure! Why not? I mean, today was Lazy Sunday, but I can make an exception for you Josh." I said shrugging.

Josh chuckled. "Okay. So I'll pick you up at 12:00pm. "

"Okay! See you later!" After that, I hung up the phone with a smile.

"Leayah! Me and Josh are gonna hang out today so I won't be home until-"

Leayah wasn't even listening to me. She was still on the phone with Trey. I rolled me eyes and got up to get dress. I could hear Leayah say her goodbyes and hang up the phone.

"Leah!" screamed Leayah.


"Were you saying something?" A smirk appeared on my face.

"Nope. Not at all."

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