18 and Pregnant

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"What the hell do you mean 'I think I did'?" asked David.

"Either you did or you didn't!" screamed other Josh.

"So I'm gonna ask again. Did you like it or-"

"Yes! I liked the kiss okay!? Does that make ya feel better?!" I asked furiously. Everyone was silent. Yeah, I shut them down. They needed it.

"Now, can I just come home and watch tv in peace, please?" I asked exhausted. All four boys nodded and I sighed, grabbing the remote and turning on the tv.

"Wait! Can you turn to MTV? 18 and Pregnant is on and it's a new episode." asked Eric politely.

I huffed."Sure,Eric." I turned to channel 55 and the show was just starting.


The audience was clapping and shouting wildly as the host walked up on stage.

"Sup guys! My name is Pamela Ruiz and I'm your host of 18 and Pregnant. We have a great show for you tonight. Drama will arise, secrets will be unveiled and fights will start. Now... let's get started!" The audience was clapping. Aholibanna was screaming loudly, Sterling was there with her husband Peter, and Valeria was there with them.

"Now, today we have a girl named Latoya. She's 18 and has a boyfriend named Adam. They have been together for 2 years and tomorrow is their 3-year anniversary." The crowd awed at the touching story.

"I know right?! But, she has to tell Adam something that he doesn't know. So, let's bring Adam out. Adam, come on out dude!" said Pamela. The crowd applauded again and a muscular guy walked onto the stage. He smiled and sat down.

"Hey Adam! How's it going?"

"Good. I just wanna know why I'm here."

"Well, you'll find out right now! Let's bring out your girlfriend, Latoya!" The audience clapped and a skinny girl with a weave came out. She gave a small smile and sat down next to Adam. Adam gave her a kiss on the lips and the audience awed.

"Sup, Latoya! How's it going?"

"Good,Pamela. How are you doing?"

"Ha! I ask the questions around here." said Pamela seriously. The audience started to laugh.

"So, Latoya. You have something to tell Adam?" Latoya's facial expression completely changed from happy to guilt. She turned to her boyfriend.

"Adam. I'm pregnant." The audience was in shock. They didn't know what his reaction would be.

"You are? That's.....AMAZING! I've always wanted a kid!" Adam exclaimed while hugging Latoya. The crowd started clapping in joy.

"Awww.", all five guys said.

"Babe, aren't you happy?", Adam confusingly asked. Latoya hung her head low.

"Of course I'm happy, it's just that...the baby..."

"What about it?"

"It's...it's not yours." The crowd gasped in utter shock. Adam's heart stop.

"What do you mean 'it's not mine'?"

"It's my ex-boyfriend's child." The crowd went "oooooo". Adam shed a tear. Latoya started to sob loudly. Anger filled Adam's eyes. Latoya headed for Adam's arm but rejected.

"I'm sorry! Please! Just-" Latoya reached for his arm again but was only rejected.

"Don't touch me hoe! How could you do this to me? Tomorrow was gonna be our 3-year anniversary. I was gonna propose to you! And then you pull this stunt? Naww hoe, you can walk home, trick!" and with that, Adam stormed out of the studio. Everyone awed sadly. Aholibanna was crying on Valeria's shoulder while Sterling was hugging Peter.

"Please, Adam! Don't leave! It was a mistake I swear!" Latoya screamed while exiting the studio. Pamela was drinking a red Slurpee until the camera was back on her.

"Oh! Um..I didn't see that there. Well! That's our show dudes! Until next time, I'm Pamela Ruiz and this is 18 and Pregnant. Bye!" And with that, Pamela left the stage as the audience's applause faded.

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