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I started driving down Sunset Boulevard, my mind stuck on the guy I met in the parking lot. He was different in a way, but I couldn't describe it. He said he'd pick me up at 12pm and I didn't know why. Shaking my head, I focused back on the road.

I finally arrived home and quickly made me some breakfast. Since my shift was from 7pm-7am, I would just eat breakfast and either chill or go out until my shift started. I made myself some pancakes, scrambled eggs and bacon. I sat down on the stool and started eating, enjoying the fact that I was alone. Not lonely alone, but a peaceful alone.

After I finished eating, I washed the dishes and headed to my bedroom. I tiredly took off my work clothes and hung them back up, leaving me in my underwear. I got in bed, plugged up my phone and took a nap.

4 hours later, I felt like I was in a deep sleep until...
My phone rang.

"Hello?" I asked, barely awake and my eyes slightly closed.

"I guess you're not a morning person," said the voice.

"Do I know you?"

"Maybe you trying to pepper spray me may trigger your memory," the guy said. I slowly opened my eyes and sighed.

"Hi,Dana," I said.

"Now, why are you sleep at such an early hour?" Dana asked sarcastically.

"People can be sleep at this hour, you know," I countered back. Dana chuckled through the phone.

"Don't you remember? I'm picking you up today. At 12:00," Dana said.

"You really wanna take me on this date, huh?" I asked, getting up.

"I guess you can say that. So, will you be ready by 12?"

"Yeah. Sure," I answered.

"Great. See you then." Then I hung up the phone, smiling.

I took a nice, hot shower and blow dried my hair. I put on a yellow wrap crop top, my denim shorts, and my yellow hightops. I straighten my hair, applied my mascara and eyeliner. Then I grabbed my side purse and phone. I headed downstairs and immediately say Dana leaning against his red Ferrari. I checked my phone and slightly widened my eyes.

"12:00 on the dot. You must really keep your word with things," I said impressed.

"Of course. And you look.."Dana started.

"What?" I asked.

"Sexy, to be honest," Dana finished. I blushed a little at his compliment.

"Thanks, um can we go now?" I asked nervously. Dana smiled and opened the door for me. I got inside as he closed the door. He got inside the car, started the engine and drove off.

"So, where're you from?" he asked looking at me then back at the road.

"Originally, I'm from New Jersey but me and my best friend moved to California together," I answered. "What about you?"

"Pennsylvania. Close to Pittsburgh, but then I moved here." I nodded and looked outside the window.

"Where are you taking me?" I asked, a little impatient.

"I see that you're also impatient when it comes to it as well," Dana laughed. I rolled my eyes and looked back at the window. After a few minutes, we finally came to a stop. I gave him a weird look as he opened the car door.

"The beach?" I asked confused.

"Do you trust me?" He asked, her holding out his hand.

"I don't know. I just met you yesterday and I haven't know you for that long," I said, lifting up on eyebrow.

"Come on. Be a little...adventurous." I looked at Dana, who had a smile on his face, which made me smile. I took his hand and we started to walk.
"So, tell me about yourself."

"Well to be honest, I don't know what to tell you," I answered honestly.

"Maybe later on you'll be able to tell me something," Dana said. I smiled slightly as we continued walking. For a while we kept on walking until we came to a stop.

"Well, we're here," Dana said. I looked and saw what looked like an abandoned building or beach house.

"What's this?" I asked.

"You'll see," Dana simply said. We walked inside to find that it was full of people and was vibrating from the loud music.

"It's a party that's thrown every Saturday. I come here with my friends sometimes," Dana answered. "Well, come on!" Dana grabbed my hand and pulled me in closer.

"How come I've never heard of this before?" I screamed over the music.

" It's kinda like a secret place people go to. It may not look like a secret but that's why they made the outside look ugly but the inside look amazing!" Dana yelled back. I nodded and bobbed my head to the music.

"Imma go get you a drink. You stay here," Dana said.

"I'm coming with you. I already learned from my last experience," I said following him. He chuckled and we headed to the bar. Soon after, the DJ lowered the music, enough to talk to each other normally. We ordered our drinks and started to talk.

"Yep, so I've been in 2 relationships," I answered back.

"Wow. Can I admit something to you?" Dana asked.

"Yeah, sure." I took a sip of my drink.

"I've kinda never been in a relationship. A real one by that," Dana confessed. I widened my eyes.

"You're kidding me right?" Dana shook his head. I scoffed.


"Nothing. I mean, look at you! You're pretty damn sexy in my book," I said taking another sip.

"Really? So you think I'm sexy?" Dana smirked.

"Don't get ahead of yourself," I said. Dana laughed. We continued talking until the song Body Party came on.

"You wanna dance?" Dana asked

"Sure." I grabbed his hand as he lead me to the dance floor. I started to sway my hips to the words. Then, I immediately feel warm hands on my hips. I turn around and see Dana behind me, resting his head on my shoulder while hugging my waist. I smiled as I continued to sway my hips.

Dana turned me around slowly and stared into my eyes. We both started at each other then stared at our lips. Dana rubbed his thumb on my bottom lip while he started to lean in.

"Wait," I said putting my finger on his lips.

"What?" Dana asked confused.

"Do you have a gaming addiction?" I asked seriously.

"I do like video games, but it's not an addiction," Dana said.

"Are you gay?"

Dana laughed. "Last time I checked, I'm straight." I nodded giving a slightly sad face.

"Why, were those your past relationships?" Dana asked. I nodded looking down.

"Well if it make you feel better, I'm nothing like that," Dana said, lifting my head with his finger, cupping my face softly. He then leaned in and out lips met. The kiss was deep, passionate and sweet. His tongue grazed against my bottom lip, asking for entrance. I open my mouth, our tongues clashing together. We then start french kissing for what seemed like forever. We both pulled away. exhaling at the same time. The kiss was full of fireworks and sparks. I haven't felt a kiss like that since my first love in high school. I was...


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