You Don't Know "The Pamela Ruiz!"

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I groaned as my alarm clock woke me up on this Monday morning. Ugh, Mondays. I always hated Mondays. As I was about to go back to sleep, Leayah stormed in my room.

"Get up!", she screamed at the top of her lungs.

"You see me up,don't you?"

"Oh. Well, you're usually not up. But anyways, morning!" she said all chirpy. She left the room while skipping as I groaned again and got out of bed. I did my daily routine and headed for the kitchen. I sat on the barstool and someone knocked on the door.

"I'll get it!" Leayah skipped to the door and opened it. Laura stormed in and took a sit next to me.

"Yo! Have you guys seen the new episode of "18 and Pregnant" last night? It was too good.",said Laura.

"I knew Pamela would excel in life. I mean, she is funny.", stated Leayah.

"Hmmmm.", I nodded. The twins both gave me a weird look. Leayah came up to me.

"Leah, are you ok? You look stressed out."

"Yeah. Usually, you're happy and energetic." I picked up my head and looked at them both.

I sighed." When me and Josh hung out yesterday, he took me to the top of the Hollywood sign."

"So?" They said in unison.

"We kissed." Both of their mouths were open wide in an "O".

"What?"asked Leayah.

"Please don't make me repeat myself."

"Ya kissed? Like really kissed?", questioned Laura. I nodded sadly.

"Did you like it?"asked Leayah.

" I don't know!! I'm so confused!" I banged my head on the table and sobbed.

"It's ok, girl. Maybe it was sign." reassured Leayah. Me and Laura gave her "that look".

"Or not.", she mumbled. As I grabbed my plate and started eating my waffles, I heard my phone ring from my room. I ran to my room and checked the Caller ID.

It was Josh. I hesitated for a moment before answering. I let it ring one more time before I picked up my phone.

"Hey!", greeted Josh happily.


"You don't seem to happy."

"Nah, I'm just tired that's all."

"Oh ok. So have you seen the new episode of "18 and Pregnant" yesterday?!" Josh asked excitedly.

"Um...yeah. Why?"

"Cause...that's my show right there! I'm like Pamela's biggest fan! I've watched all the episodes and know every single line from the episodes!" I laughed hysterically as he went on and on.

This guy is too much.

"I just wished that it could meet her." Josh said in a sad tone. I felt kinda bad for him. I knew Pamela. I knew her since the 8th grade and we always keep in touch. Then, I had an idea.

"Why don't I take you to meet her?" I suggested. Josh laughed like I was insane.

"What do you mean? You don't know "the Pamela Ruiz" personally!"

"Um yeah I do. I've known her since the 8th grade. I know where she lives.", I stated. The other end of the phone was completely silent. Then I heard heavy breathing.

"Josh, are you ok?"


"I just told you that, bro. We could go over to her house later on today."

" Could we really?" Josh asked in a baby voice.

I giggled. " Sure. We'll go at 7:30 tonight." All I heard was screaming on the other end. I laughed.

"I mean cool. See you then.", Josh said clearing his throat to try and act cool.

"Alright. Bye!" And with that, I hung up the phone....with a smile.

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