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After we left the dinner party, Josh had been sad and quiet the whole ride home. He never got a chance to speak to Pamela. I felt bad that he didn't get to talk to her.

" I'm sorry." I apologized breaking the silence.

Josh looked at me. " For what?" he asked glumly.

" For you not being able to talk to Pamela."

" Don't be. You didn't have to do that for me anyways."

" But I did want to do it. Because I knew that you loved her so much and wanted to meet her."

He was silent. I sighed and continued driving on Hollywood Boulevard. It was 11:30 and the moon shone over the beautiful city. The roads were clear of traffic and all I could hear was the sound of the wind blowing.

" Maybe it was bad timing. I mean, she was throwing a dinner party. I promise I'll make it up to you ", I said looking at him.

" Yeah. Okay.", he mumbled. As I pulled over to the front of his house, he quickly grabbed his stuff and stormed out of the car, not even saying "good-bye". He looked at me as he opened the door and shook his head. He went inside and slammed the door shut. I sighed sadly and drove back home.

As I pull in the driveway, I thought about how Josh felt when Pamela pushed him out the way to face the cameraman. I felt really bad for him and I wanted to make it up to him. I walked inside the apartment and I heard instant kissing. I went inside Leayah's room and no one was there. Then I went in my room and I saw Kenny and Karyne kissing next to my bed.

" Ew! Could ya do that somewhere else and NOT in my room?" I asked disgusted.

They both laughed. " Sorry. We didn't know it was your room.", said Kenny.

" How did you guys get in my house anyways?" I wondered.

" Leayah let us in. She and Trey went out to the club.", stated Karyne. I sighed and plopped on the bed and puffed out a breath of air. The couple gave me a weird look.

" Hey sis, are you ok?" asked Kenny.

" No. Me and my friend Josh went over to Pamela's house so he could meet her, since he loves her show."

" Which show?" asked Karyne.

" 18 and Pregnant. He really wanted to talk to her, but the cameramen from "MTV Cribs" came to her house and she just pushed him out the way."

" Aww. Poor Josh." said Karyne sadly. I nodded and closed my eyes.

" Well, why don't you call her and ask if you guys can come over? Ya'know, at a time when she's not busy?" Kenny suggested. That was actually a good idea.

" Yeah! It could be a surprise for him! Thanks Ken Ken!" I exclaimed giving him a hug.

" No problem, sis."

" Well, I guess we'll leave now." said Karyne.

" Yeah see you later. And I wanna meet this "Josh". If he's no good, I'll have to get my rifle on him.", said Kenny holding up an imaginary rifle."

" Um, that won't be necessary.", I said laughing.

" Alright Kenny, let's go or else you'll end up talking about his whole gun collection." Karyne joked. I laughed as I closed the door for them. Then, I immediately grabbed my phone and called Pamela.

" Hey Pamela. Can we meet up tomorrow at your place? Just you, me, and Josh?"

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