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I was laying on the bed watching tv and listening to "TLC- FanMail". Josh was in the kitchen cooking. I still didn't think that he could cook, but he wanted to prove me wrong. I laughed to myself at the thought. As the song was fading, Josh walked in the room shirtless with an apron on reading "Kiss the Chef".

I laughed. " Well, don't you look prepared? And where did you get that apron from?" I questioned taking off my Beats headphones.

" What? This old thing?" He said all innocent.

" You've probably been saving that for a special occasion."

He smiled. " Yep." I laughed at his silliness and continued listening to my music.

" Well, dinner will be ready in an hour. It's gonna look fancy so wear something...fancy."

I took out my Beats. " What did you say?"

Josh chuckled. " Nevermind. Just wear something fancy. I'll call you when dinner's ready." Josh left the room and went back to the kitchen. I shrugged and started to get my outfit together.


I just finished taking a long bubble bath and started blow-drying my hair. Josh wanted me to dress fancy for some reason, so that's what I'm gonna do. After I blow dried my hair, I straightened it. Damn, my hair was long! It went down my back mid way. Then I applied my makeup and started to get dressed. I wore my strapless dark blue dress and my dark blue heels. I checked myself in the mirror for the final look. As I gave myself the "thumbs up", Josh knocked on the door.

" You could come in," I said. He entered the room and it felt like his eyes were looking through me instead of at me.

" Um, Earth to Josh," I joked waving my hand in his face.

" Oh um, sorry. It's just that you look so beautiful... as always," he said stuttering.

" Thank you."

" Well, shall we?" Josh asked bringing his arm out.

" We shall." I grabbed his arm and he lead me to the kitchen. When we entered the kitchen, it looked hella fancy! There was a round table in the middle of the room with a white cloth on it. A red rose was in a tall small vase. Two wine glasses sat atop the table with silverware and two tall white candles.

" Wow, Josh. I didn't think you'd go all out just to prove to me that you can cook," I said as he lead me to the table.

" You know me," he simply said. He pushed in my chair and brought out the food. He brought out lobster, baked potato, rice, red wine and shrimp pasta. To be honest, a chick was caught off guard.

"," I said, my mouth in an "o".

" You like what you see?" Josh said with a smirk.

" Hell yeah! This is amazing, Josh!"

" Wait till you taste it." We both grabbed a plate and started eating.


" Ugh! I'm stuffed!" I grabbed my stomach and slid down the chair.

" Hell, I'm stuffed too!" laughed Josh. We both laughed hysterically.

" So, did you enjoy dinner?" he asked with a smirk.

I sighed. " To be honest, I loved dinner. When I saw you bring out that food, a chick was caught off guard!" Josh laughed then smiled.

" Well, I'm really glad you enjoyed dinner, babe," he said. I smiled sweetly and reached over the table and gave him a deep kiss.

" Well, I'm gonna change into my pajamas. What do you wanna do?" I asked.

" We could watch a movie? It's kinda late," Josh said shrugging.

" Okay. I'll be right back," I headed to the bedroom and cleaned my face and changed into my pjs. I wore my Superman tank top and the matching shorts. When I came downstairs, I saw Josh on the couch in the living room with Superman pj pants and blue t-shirt. I smiled and sat on the couch with him, Josh bringing his arm around me. We decided to watch the movie " The Fault in our Stars". As the movie started, someone knocked on the door.


" I'll get it," I said to Leah as I got up from the couch. I wondered who could be out this late? I opened the door and was flabbergasted at who was at the door.

" What the hell are you doing here?"

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