The Date

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It was 3:30 and I was getting my clothes out for the date. I was kinda nervous because it was our first date. We've known each other for 3 months, and going on a date would only tell if we truly like each other more than friends or not. I decided to wear a strapless black dress and my red bottoms. As I put my clothes out on the bed, my phone rang.


" Hey! It's me, Valeria."

" Hey! Wassup?"

" You forgot?"

" Forget what?" I asked confused.

" You were supposed to help me plan my wedding?" I slammed my hand onto my face. I completely forgot about that. Sterling couldn't do it because she's shopping for baby stuff.

" I'm sorry, Val. I totally forgot."

" It's ok. You're not busy, are you?"

" Well, Josh is picking me up for a date at 6."

" We have plenty if time! It won't take us long. Just while we're planning, be dressed already."

I sighed. " Okay."

"Yay! Thanks a bunch! I'll be there in 1 second!" After she said that, I heard a knock at the door. I opened it and Valeria stood there with binders and wedding magazines.

" Let's get planning."

It was already 5:30 and we were still planning this wedding. My phone rang and Josh called.

" Hey! Are you ready?" he asked excitedly.

" No. I'm helping Valeria plan her wedding. How about I just meet you at the place?"

" Um, okay. Meet me at Red Lobster."

"Okay. I should be done at about 6:30."

"Okay. Bye!" And with that I hung up the phone with a sigh.

" So, should my dress be this white or this white?" Valeria asked holding up two dress magazines.


Me and Valeria finally finished at 7:30. Valeria thanked me for helping her and left the apartment. I hurried to my room and curled my hair and put on my makeup. I grabbed my black leather coat and headed out the door.


I can't believe that Leah is standing me up like this. She said that she'd be done at 6:30. It's going on 8:00! This just doesn't seem like all. As I sat at the table quietly, I hear high-heeled shoes. I look up and I see Leah. Wow. She look beautiful. She was wearing a strapless black dress that accentuated her hips and red bottoms. Even though she looks hot, I'm still mad.


" Hey! I'm so sorry that I came here late. Had to help Val plan her wedding. She's very picky.", I joked.

" Yeah, okay.", Josh answered glumly. Ok? Josh was acting weird. I decided to just push it off and look at the menu.

" So, have you been in this Red Lobster before?" I wondered.

" Yeah.", he answered.

" Okay?" The waitress came to our table.

" Hi! My name is Janee and I'll be your server this evening. Do you guys know what you'll be ordering?" Janee asked nicely.

" Yeah. I'll have the shrimp pasta with a Caesar salad.", I ordered.

" And what would you like, sir?"

" I'm not ready yet.", Josh answered blankly looking at me.

"Okay! Be right back!" The waitress left and took my menu with her.

" Josh, are you ok?"

" Yeah! I'm just peachy-keen!" he exclaimed sarcastically.

" Look, I said I was sorry for coming here late. I had something to do."

" Whatever, trick.", he mumbled.

" Excuse me?"

" You heard me! I called you a trick! How could you just stand me up like this!?" he screamed, everybody looking at him.

" First of all, quiet the hell down. Secondly, don't you dare call me a trick. And thirdly, I did not stand you up. I'm here, ain't I?" I was angry now.

" You know what? Just forget it. Forget this whole date and forget we ever met." And with that, Josh stormed out the restaurant and left me standing here.


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