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"So did you have fun today?" Dana asked as he drove down the vacant road.

"Yeah, I did actually. I don't usually go out that much, since I'm working again," I answered smiling.

"Good. I can take you there more often," Dana said, eying the road in concentration.

"Maybe," I joked.

"What do you mean 'maybe'?" Dana asked confused.

"That was just one day, one dance, and one kiss. I really need to be convinced," I replied.

"Oh really? That wasn't convincing enough?" Dana looked at me, raising an eyebrow. I looked at him and shrugged, turning back to the window.

"Wow, you''re different." He simply said chuckling. We continued down the road until we reached my apartment. Dana got out the car and opened my side of the car door.

"Can I at least walk you to your door?" Dana asked.

"Yeah, you can," I smiled. He stuck out his hand, me instantly grabbing it as our fingers intertwine together. We walk to my door, having random small talk. Finally, we reach my apartment door.

"Well, good night I guess," Dana said.

"Yeah, good night," I said. All of a sudden, he starts to lean in closer to me, extending his arms out on the wall. He smirks while looking deep in my eyes. He leans in closer, only millimeters away from me.

"You're...awfully close Dana," I breathed.

"I know," his voice getting raspy against my neck. He lifts his head up, leans in and kisses me. I tangle my fingers into his hair, giving him the opportunity to bite my bottom lip. I gasp, opening my mouth slightly, Dana smoothly sliding his tongue in my mouth. I moan softly in the kiss, Dana smirking on my lips. He pulls away, licking my bottom lip.

"Now, was that convincing enough?" Dana asked, a sly smirk on his face.

"I, uh, um," I stuttered. He smiled and started to walk away.

"Wait!" Dana turned around and looked at me.

"I have to admit, that was pretty convincing," I said, slightly out of breath as I opened my apartment door.
"It was the best kiss in years!" I was at work speaking to my co-worker Robert. I've known him since high school and he's
can be mean at time, but he's a good person when it comes to it.

"Was it that good?" Robert asked.

"He pretty much seduced me. It was amazing," I sighed, remembering that moment.

" I'm glad you had a good time, but we gotta work now, " Robert joked. I shrugged and headed to my next patient. I walked in the room, seeing Dana sleep in a chair.

"Dana?" I whispered, "What are you doing here?" His eyes opened slowly, looking around.

"Hey," he simply replied, his voice raspy.

"Hi, what are you doing here? I thought your dad was getting better?" I asked confused.

"Oh he's just fine. I'm here for a friend. His sister fainted and she didn't look so good," he explained, getting up from the chair.

"Well let me check up on her," I smiled. I walked up to her and grabbed her chart. Her name was Lyric and she was 19. As I sat the clipboard down, her eyes slowly start to open.

"Hello, Lyric. I'm nurse Leah Rivers. From what I see, you fainted from dehydration and being in the sun a lot?" I memorized from the clipboard.

"Yeah, I was doing labor for my mom" she faintly spoke.

"Well, stay away from doing labor for at least 3 days and restrain from alcohol as well. Drink plenty of water and you should be just fine. You can leave tomorrow morning," I smiled.

"Thank you," she whispered. I nodded and walked over to Dana.

"Thank you so much," he said, hands at my waist.

"It's my job," I simply stated. He smiled and pecked my lips.

"I'll pick you up?" Dana asked, starting to walk to the door.

"Yep, same time," I replied. He smiled and walked out the door.
"See you later Robert," I waved goodbye as I headed out the door. He smiled and waved back at me. As I walk through the parking lot, I see Dana leaning against his car his arms crossed.

"Hey," I greeted him with a peck on the cheek.

"Hey. Look, tomorrow I wanna take you on a date," he said, slightly confirming it.

"Okay," I chuckled.

"No. I wanna take you on a real date. You know, with dinner and stuff like that. I need to tell you something," he said. He looked serious, which made my facial expression change as well.


"I'll pick you- never-mind. You'll see," he smiled as he opened the passenger door for me. I raised an eyebrow, hopping in the seat. Dana started to drive out the parking lot, me pondering over what he has to tell me tomorrow.

This book is sadly coming to an end. Two more chapters and this book is done. However, I am working on another book. I already have a few chapters typed up and done. I'm still wondering if I should put it up or not. Let me know in the comments below if I should.

Love u guys💞


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