Never Knew I Needed

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It's finally the day of me and Josh's wedding and I'm completely nervous. I never would of thought that I would get married! At times, I thought that I, or should I say we, were moving too fast. I do love Josh, but I just feel like I'm moving too fast. but I can't think about that now, since Karyne is brutally curling my hair.

"Ow! Watch my ear, I don't want you to burn it," I screamed.

"Well, you should of held it like I told you," Karyne shot back. I rolled my eyes.

"Don't move your eyes! You see me putting on your makeup, right?" Laura scolded as she applied my mascara. I chuckled as I sat there still in the chair.

"Are you done with my dress yet, Val?" I ask impatiently.

"I will be soon. It's not my fault you got a hole in it," Valeria scoffed. I rolled my eyes.

"I told you not to move!" Laura screamed.

"How did you get this hole in your dress?" Sterling asked sewing.

"Don't ask."

After an hour of burns and makeup brushes, my friends were finally done.

"Okay, my masterpiece is complete," Karyne smiled.

"Mines too, and if you smudge so as cry with this makeup on, I will find you." Laura said sternly. I laughed and stood up to look in the mirror.

"Wow guys. This is amazing," I said in awe of my own reflection. I smiled at Laura and Karyne and gave them both a big hug.

"Now, both of you go put on your bridesmaid dress! We have 2 hours left!" I tell them. They smile and run out the door. I looked at myself again in the mirror, still in awe of my reflection.

"Now, who would of thought that you'd look this beautiful on your wedding day?" a voice said. I turned around and my face had a smile from ear to ear.

"Tyler!" I ran up to him and gave him a huge hug. Tyler Posey is a very well know friend of mine. And of course, he plays Scott McCall on Teen Wolf. He's actually my best guy friend. I've know Tyler since the 9th grade and through college. We used to write music together in high school and college. He's like another brother to me.

"Ty, what are you doing here?" I asked still shocked.

"I couldn't miss my lil sis's wedding day! Besides, the director knew that this day was important to me," Tyler said with a smile. I smiled too as I headed for the black bag and grabbed my dress.

"Man, that dress is beautiful." Tyler walked next to me as we both stared at the dress in amazement.

"I know right? Pamela talked to some people and got it custom made." I looked at it then my watch.

"Oh my god! I only have an hour left until the wedding! Help me put this dress on, Ty!"

"I can't!"


" 'Cause, I have to pick up Dylan from the airport. But I will see you later. You'll look beautiful, but you've always been beautiful. I'll see you later," Tyler said as he gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"Leayah! I need help!


"Okay girl, you're set." I stood up and looked in the mirror one last time. I smiled as I looked at myself in my beautiful dress.

"Thanks, Leayah." I thanked her as we exchanged hugs.

"Wait, where's my vail?" All the bridesmaids looked around the room.

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