The Date:Take 2

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I woke up the next morning feeling extra excited. Me and Josh were gonna go on another date. And this time, no one or nothing will get in my way. I got out of bed and did my daily hygiene. When I got out of the bathroom, I went in the kitchen and made me and Leayah a big breakfast. As I was pouring the oatmeal in a bowl, Leayah walked in the kitchen.

" Hmmm. This smells good, Leah.", Leayah said smelling the oatmeal.

" I thought that since we won't be living with each other anymore, I should make the last big breakfast we'd ever have.", I said with a smile. She smiled as well and we both shared a long hug.

" So," Leayah started, " whatcha gonna do today?"

" Me and Josh are gonna go on another date tonight.", I said grabbing 3 French toast.

" Ooo! That's nice! Do you have any plans?"

" Nope! And I'm glad. I really want this date to be memorable. You know happened last time." Leayah nodded.

" Yeah gurl, I know." She laughed as she drank her orange juice. As we were finishing our breakfast, I could hear my phone ringing from my room.

" Go ahead. That's probably your boo thang. I'll wash the dishes.", she said motherly. I mouthed the words "Thank you" and ran in my room. I quickly grabbed my phone and answered it.

" Morning beautiful.", Josh greeted me.

"Morning handsome."

" Whatcha doing?"

" Just finished eating. I cooked a big breakfast for me and Leayah."

" I can't wait for you to live with me so I can taste your cooking."

I giggled. " I bet you can't wait."

" So, are you ready for our date tonight?"

" Yep."

" And you have no plans, right?"

" No plans."

" Good. I'll see you later baby."

" Okay." Then I hung up the phone.

I hope this date goes well.

It was 5:00 and I was taking a shower singing.

" Can we talk for a minute? Girl I want to know your name. Can we taaaaalk for a minute? Girl I want to know your name.", I sang loudly. I then turned off the water and grabbed my towel. I exited the bathroom and started to get ready.
I curled my long hair and put on my make up. I wore my long strapless blue beach dress and my white wedges. I checked myself in the mirror.

" Damn I look good!" I said to myself. The dress hugged my butt and hips perfectly and it made me show a little cleavage.


I grabbed my black over-the-shoulder purse and grabbed my short jean jacket and waited for Josh in the living room. As I was waiting, I could see Leayah come in the room with her black short dress and her favorite pink pumps.

" Where you going gurl?" I asked curiously.

" Trey taking me out somewhere. So I'll probably be gone all night."

" Yeah, I'll probably be out all night too.", I said.

" Well, enjoy your date gurl!"

" You too." With that, Leayah left. Then I heard a knock at the door.

" Coming!" I got up from the couch and answered the door.

It was Josh. He was wearing a black and white Tuxedo. He look at me in shock.

" Hey." I said breaking the silence.

" Oh um... hey. Wow, you look....amazing." I smiled.

" Thanks baby."

" So are you ready babe?"

" Yep." We left the apartment and headed outside. He opened the door for me and I got inside. Once he was on the driver's side, he drove off.
The sun hadn't set yet, but soon it was. The wind was blowing my hair back and I felt beautiful. I was excited but nervous at the same time. I didn't know how this second try at this date was gonna go. I decided to pull my phone and my headphones and listened to my music.
After a half an hour passed, we came to a stop. I put away my phone and headphones in my purse and looked up but was blinded my something covering my eyes.

" Josh, I can't see anything!" I exclaimed.

" I know. I just put a blindfold on you.", he said.

" Why?"

" You'll see." He helped me out the car and we started walking. Then as we were walking I could feel the floor get lower. We were walking on sand. I was guessing we were at the beach. Then we came to a stop. I could feel Josh behind me taking off the blindfold. As my eyes adjusted, I saw the most beautiful sight ever. There was a male waiter standing behind a dinner table that had dinnerware and a lit candle. There were two champagne glasses. I almost shed a tear.

" Oh Josh," I said sounding like I'm about to cry, " this is so beautiful." He smiled and lead me to the table. He sat me down in the chair.

" What would you two be ordering this evening?" asked the waiter formally.

" I'll have the lobster lover's dream and the garden salad with Italian dressing."

" And what would you like, Madame?"

" Oh, I'll have the shrimp pasta and a Caesar salad." The waiter wrote down the orders and left.

" I can't believe you did all this, Josh.", I said looking around. There wasn't a person in sight.

" Well you deserve it."

" Nobody has ever did anything like this for me. Ever."

" Well, you deserve to get special things and go out like this. You should be treated like a queen.", he smiled. I smiled too. The waiter came back with our food quickly. We ate our food and started talking about random stuff. We laughed as well as we told some jokes. When we finished eating, we decided to walk around the beach.

" Josh?"

" Yeah?"

" This is the most amazing, beautiful and romantic date I've ever been on in my entire life."

" I'm glad you like it babe."

" Well, I'm gonna be moving in with you soon. I still have more stuff to pack up."

" Take all the time you need baby. I'm not rushing you."

" Josh, why are you so nice?"

He chuckled. " I don't know. I just am." We were silent for a few minutes just walking on the beach.

" Josh?"

" Yeah?"

" I love you. Being with you is the best thing ever. I love hanging out with you and it's like I'm hanging out with my best friend and my lover at the same time. At first, I thought that I would never find a guy that loves me for me. And I did. I know that our first date was horrible but this is just so amazing and I just-" Josh put his forefinger on my lips to shut me up.

" Don't speak.", he simply said. He then leaned in and kissed me. We were kissing in a flowing rhythm. He deepened the kiss. After a few more seconds, we pulled apart and looked in each other's eyes. We both smiled and continued walking on the beach, the sun making footprints across the sky.

" I love you Leah Monet."

" I love you too, Josh Leyva."

This was the most perfect day ever.

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