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It's been a week and a half since I moved out. Living here with Jacob has been a living hell! Every time we get into an argument, he apologizes and says:

"If you give me, us, more time then I can show you that I've truly changed."

Ha! Yeah right.

But for some reason, I keep on staying, thinking that he's really gonna change. Lately, I haven't been seeing any progress from him. Especially today. I just came back from the hospital and I'm very cranky. Jacob walks in the apartment, slamming the door.

"Hey," he greets me sternly.

"Hey." He comes over to me and gives me a hug. He then heads to the kitchen and opens up the cupboard.

"I'm 'bout to get my Cocoa Puffs on as soon as I-" his expression goes from happy to pissed off.

"Where the hell is my Cocoa Puffs?!" Jacob screams,causing me to look in the kitchen.

"Leah!" I sigh as I get up from the couch and head to the kitchen.


"Did you eat all of my Cocoa Puffs?" Jacob asks holding up the empty cereal box.

"Uh, yeah. I had some for breakfast since I woke up late and didn't have time to cook," I answered.

"Well, you couldn't notify me or buy some more? You know I like Cocoa Puffs and I was hoping to eat some when I got off from work." I scoffed and walked away heading back to the couch.

"Look, please don't bother me. I had a rough day at the hospital and I don't need to hear your whining right now," I said annoyed.

"I had a bad day too. You wanna talk about it?" Jacob asked, his anger dimming down.

"No." I sat on the couch and looked out the window. The view wasn't as good as the one in California. I actually missed it. My thoughts were soon interrupted by Jacob, bending down next to me.

"Look, I'm sorry. If you give me-"

"Jacob, I am sick and tired of you repeating yourself. It's getting annoying. Yeah, you keep on saying that you've changed, but I don't see it at all," I say sternly.

"I don't even know why I'm here," I mumble to myself.

"What did you say?" Jacob asks angrily.

"I said I don't even know why I'm here! Was that loud enough for you?" I answer back furious. Jacob sighs and tries to grab my hand but I reject it.

"Leah, I know I've been acting like a jerk lately but what about all those years we've had?" Jacob asked apologetically.

"All we had Jacob, is all these years. And it's just not enough...anymore," I said. Jacob hangs his head low.

"I tried to work things out with you, but all I did was make the wrong decisions. Decisions,decisions." Then I realized something. What I saw in Josh's eyes Pure and unconditional love. He's the guy that I wanna spend my life with. I quickly got up and ran to my room and started to pack my clothes.

"What are you doing?" Jacob asks worriedly.

"Going home. Home to the guy that truly loves me." In no time, I've packed all my clothes. As I'm heading out the door, Jacob grabs my wrist.

"Leah, please just give me another shot," he pleads.

"Ya know, I've given you plenty of times to show me that you've really changed, but your up," I grab my wrist back and head out the door. I run outside and haul to the closest taxi. I get inside the taxi.

"Where to?" the taxi driver asks.

"The JFK International Airport." Immediately, the driver zooms through traffic and heads to the airport.


An hour later we make it to the airport.

"Thank you so much!" I said as I paid the taxi driver.

"No problem. Have a nice flight!" I run inside the airport and get on the flight that heads to California. I sit in the chair and stare at the window.

I hope Josh can find it in his heart to forgive me.

5 hours later...

I get off the plane and head out of the airport. I walk to the parking lot and to my surprise, I see Leayah and Trey. I smile and give them both a huge hug.

"How did you know I was here?" I asked still shocked.

Leayah giggled."We just figured you were miserable with Jacob and you were gonna come back home."

"Thank you. 'Cause I really need to talk to Josh. He has to know that I made a huge mistake. I hope he's not angry with me," I ramble on.

"Oh he's not mad at you. You're Leah. He can't be made at you," Trey said cheerfully. I laugh.

"Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go get your man back!!" Leayah yelled. We all got in the car and headed to Josh's house.

1 1/2 hours later...

Trey slowly pulls up to Josh's house. He stops the car and we all sit there staring at the house for a good minute.

"Leah, do you want me to go inside with you?" Leayah asks grabbing my shoulder.

"No, I have to do this on my own." I open the door and walk to the front door. I look back at Leayah and Trey who both give me thumps up. I turn back and take a deep breath. Then as I was about to ring the doorbell, I realized that I still had the key. I went through my purse and grabbed the key. I unlocked the door and went inside.

"Hello? Josh are you here?" I yell. Nobody answers. I walk up the stairs and head to the bedroom. I open the door to see Josh sprawled out on the bed with a bottle of tequila in his hand. I look at the bottle.

It's completely empty.

Oh no.

I quickly run over to him and flip him over.

"Josh, are you okay? Josh? Can you hear me? God, please don't die!" I yell, tears coming down my face. Then slowly, Josh opens his eyes, adjusting the to his surroundings.

"Leah, is that you yelling in my ear?" he asks. I chuckle and stand him up.

"Leah, I didn't think you'd come back," Josh says with a groggily voice.

"I know but Josh, I am so sorry for leaving you. I wasn't thinking at all and I made a stupid and naive choice. I should if just listen to you. You even warned me and I didn't believe you. You probably hate me and don't even wanna see me right now but I'm sorry. When I was over there, I realized something. I realized that I'm in love with you. You've made my life so amazing that I can't even explain it. I know you don't wanna see me but I just wanted to say I love you and I'm sorry," I kept on rambling on that I couldn't stop until Josh out his forefinger over my lips.

"Leah, I don't hate you. I never did. And I wanna say that I'm sorry for saying those cruel things to you. And.... I'm in love with you too," Josh says smiling. I smile and we share a long passionate kiss. We both pull away and give each other a hug.

"Leah, can I ask you a very important question?"

"Sure." Josh nods and gets up and heads to the drawer. He pulls out something and then closes the drawer. He's still turned around and then turns back to me with his hand behind his back. He stands me up and and grabs my left hand. Then, he gets on one knee.

No. He can't be.

"Leah, will you do me the honors of marrying me?" Josh asks, opening a box displaying a diamond ring.



"Yes, you muscle head!" Josh smiles widely and put the ring on my finger.


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