A Promise Kept

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I immediately got out of bed and headed for the bathroom to do my hygiene. Then, I ran to the kitchen and made me some pancakes and sausages. I was super excited because Josh would finally get to meet and talk to Pamela. Last night, he was really bummed about her pushing him out if the way, so I wanted to make it up to him. As I took the last bite out of my pancake and sausage, I hurried to the bathroom and took a shower. I then got dressed; I was wearing a peach crop top, denim shorts, and my white and black Jordans. My hair was curled so I was looking good.

"Why are you up so early?" groaned Leayah as she entered my room.

" I have a surprise for Josh."

" That has to be at 7:30?"

"Yes! It's the perfect time. Look I gotta go. I made you some oatmeal and fresh orange juice. I will see you later!" I said heading out the door.

" Thanks?" Leayah said as I slammed the door.

As I was driving, I called Josh so I could pick him up.

" Hello?"

" Josh? It's me, Leah."

" Oh, hey. What's up?"

" Get up and get dressed...now!"

" Why?

" Just do it."

" Ugh! Fine! I'll be ready in 20 minutes." He hung up the phone and I continued driving smiling.

I arrived at Josh's house and took the blindfold out of my purse. Josh comes outside and notices my car in shock.

" What are you doing here?" Josh questioned.

" Get in the car and put on this blindfold."

" What's with all the demands?"

" Just do it, please? It's for your surprise.", I simply said.

" Ooo! I love surprises!" He instantly got in the car and put on the blindfold. I sighed and started driving to Pamela's house.

After 20 minutes passed, we arrived at her house. No cars were parked on the sidewalks and it was only her car in sight. I sighed in relief and got out the car.

" Are we here?" he asked.

"Yes. Here, let me help you." I help Josh out of the car and lead him to the door. I knocked on the door lightly and Pamela quietly opened it. We lead him in the house and sat him on the couch. Pamela stood right in front of him.

" Can I take my blindfold off now?" Josh whined.

"Yes.", I answered. Josh took off his blindfold and put it to the side. He took a look at Pamela and screamed.

" Dude, it's ok.", Pamela reassured him.

" How did you- But she was- And MTV-" Josh stuttered.

" I told you I was gonna make it up to you. Last night, I felt bad about... ya'know. So, I called Pamela to schedule a day that we could just talk, not disturbed. So, yeah."

" Yeah, and sorry for pushing you out the way yesterday. Just got excited, dude." apologized Pamela.

" It's ok.", Josh said.

" So, you watch my show, huh?"


After an hour passed, we all talked about the past years and the new season of Pamela's show. Josh and Pamela really got to know each other and became instant friends. As we talked, I smiled on the inside. I was glad I did this for Josh. And I'm starting to like Josh..more than a friend little by little.

"Well, it was nice to FINALLY talk to you Josh. You're a pretty cool dude. I wish ya could stay longer but I gotta go to a meeting to discuss the new season of '18 and Pregnant'.", said Pamela. As we left her house, we said our good-byes and headed back on the road. The whole ride back home, I could see Josh smiling at the corner of my eye.

I laughed. " What are you smiling about?" I asked.

" Thank you.", he simply answered.

" For what?"

" For doing that for me."

" Well, I always keep my promises."

" But now I gotta do something for you."

" Oh Josh. That won't be necessary. Just seeing you smile is all I need."

" Let me take you on a date."

I was completely in shock. I didn't know what to say.

" A date?"

" Yeah. I mean, we've known each other for 3 months. Why not?"

" I don't know."

" Let me make it up to you. Please?"


" Come on. You did something for me, now imma do something for you. I'm not taking "no" for an answer."

I chuckled. "Okay. You can take me on a date."

" Good. I'll pick you up at 6:00. And dress fancy-casual."

" Fancy-casual?"

" Yeah. Ya'know, something fancy yet casual."

"Ok." We continued driving on Sunset Strip. As I was driving, I was thinking about how this date would go. I just hope it'll go well.


I finally grew the courage to ask Leah out on a date. Ever since that kiss at the Hollywood sign, I've been catching feelings for her. I was shy to ask her out because I thought she would blow me off. But apparently she didn't! I really hope this date doesn't go haywire so I could take it so the next step:

Ask her to be my girlfriend.

Infinity Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora