Moving In

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" Can you stop standing there and help me with these boxes?!" I strained as I carried two boxes in my hands.

" You got this!" Leayah reassured me as she went back to filing her nails. Leayah and Laura was helping me pack my stuff. Well, Laura was helping me. Anyways, I was finally moving in with Josh! We were both so excited about this. Me and Josh love each other very much. I've never been so happy in my entire life. Being with Josh is just..ugh! I can't even describe my feelings.

As I was struggling with the boxes, I almost tripped and fell. But then, I guess Josh saw me struggling because he helped me.

" Don't worry babe. I got chu," Josh said with a smile. I smiled back as he picked me up. He grabbed the heaviest box I had and gave me a quick kiss.

" Awwww!" Leayah screamed. We both turned around and looked at her.

" Fine, I'll help out. I can't carry these heavy boxes by myself ya know!" she said flailing her arms in the air.

" That won't be a problem," stated Josh. Then, there was rambling noises in the moving truck. Someone lifted the trunk door and Trey stood there with a smile.

" Trey!" Leayah screamed running to him instantly hugging him.

" Josh called and said that Leah's moving in with him and needed help with the boxes," Trey said with his arm around Leayah.

" Thanks Josh," Leayah said with a smile.

" And he said that you weren't helping them with the boxes."

Leayah shrugged. " Eh, it's true." We all laughed.

" Hey!" We all turned around.

" Can ya stop talking and help me with these boxes please?" Laura screamed. We all laughed and continued carrying the boxes in the truck.


" Whew! We finally finished!" I said plopping the last box in the back of the truck.

" Thanks for helping us you guys," I said hugging everyone.

" No problem. Now, when Trey moves in with me, you could help US out," Leayah smiled proudly.

" Yeah, but I'll really help out though." Leayah giggled and everyone started to leave.

" Well, I guess we'll head to my house now," Josh said getting in the driver's side of the truck.

" Our house," I said correcting him, getting in the other side of the car. He looked at me and smiled. He gave me a peck on the lips. I smiled and he started the truck and drove off.


" Can you help me with this box babe?" I asked carrying a box labeled "Clothes" into the house. He retrieved the box from my hands.

" I got it," he said winking at me. I smiled and rolled my eyes and reached for another box.

" How did Eric react to me moving in with you? Ya know, him not being your roommate anymore?" I questioned him.

" He was actually happy. I was shocked on how happy he was. Ever since I broke up with Katherine, he's always wanted me to find a girl that'll make me happy. And I finally did," he said smiling giving me a hug.

He sighed. " Oh, I love you girl," Josh said kissing my forehead.

I laughed. " I love you too babe." We disconnected our hug and went back to bringing the boxes in the house.

??? POV

" I love you too babe," I mocked her. She can't just take my Josh away from me. She doesn't know him like I do. But don't worry Leah. This is only the beginning. I'll get Josh back.

Even if I have to kill somebody.

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