Part of Your World

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As the day went on, me and Josh just stayed inside for a while. The sun was struggling to shine as the clouds came in. I was laying on the bed watching "Star Crossed" while listening to music on my phone. Josh was in the bathroom taking a shower as usual. After a few minutes, I could tell that Josh was done when I heard the water not running. Josh then came in the bedroom with his red robe on.

" Hey," Josh said as he entered the bedroom.

" Hey," I replied as I took out my headphones.

" Whatcha doing?"

" Watching TV and listening to music." Josh nodded and started to get dressed. As Josh finished putting on his shirt, I started to put on my headphones.

" Leah?"

" Yeah?"

" I never heard you sing before," Josh said laying on the bed next to me. I froze for a split second.

" Um... yeah you have. At the party where we first met," I said nervously laughing. Josh gave me "that look".

" Leah, you just sung the chorus not the whole song." I laughed.

" Ugh. Do I have to? I might be catching something," I said fake coughing.

" Please? I've heard from all your friends that you could really sing and I wanna see that for myself." I sighed.

" Fine. What song do you want me to sing? Pick anything" I said. Josh put his forefinger in his chin thinking hard. Then all of a sudden, he had a smile from ear to ear.

" Part of Your World."

" Really? The song from " The Little Mermaid"?"

" You said anything, so that's the song I want you to sing." I chuckled and went on YouTube and searched up the song in instrumental. I pressed play and started to sing.

" Part of Your World"

"Look at this stuff, isn't it neat?

Wouldn't you think my collection's complete?

Wouldn't you think I'm the girl

The girl who has everything?

Look at this trove, treasures untold

How many wonders can one cavern hold?

Looking around here you think

Sure, she's got everything

I've got gadgets and gizmos a-plenty

I've got whozits and whatzits galore

You want thingamabobs? I've got twenty!

But who cares? No big deal. I want more.

I wanna be where the people are

I wanna see, wanna see'em dancin'

Walking around on those-

What do you call them? Oh feet!

Flipping your fins you don't get too far

Legs are required for jumping, dancing

Strolling along down a-

What's that word again? Street!

Up where they walk, up where they run

Up where they stay all day in the sun

Wanderin' free, wish I could be

Part of that world...

What would I give - if I could live

Out of these waters?

What would I pay - to spend a day

Warm on the sand?

Betcha' on land they understand

That they don't reprimand their daughters

Bright young women - sick of swimmin'

Ready to stand... And-

Ready to know what the people know

Ask'em my questions and get some answers

What's a fire and why does it-

What's they word? Burn!

When's it my turn? Wouldn't I love-

Love to explore that shore up above?

Out of the sea - wish I could be

Part of that world..." I finished as the song faded. I turned to Josh to see his eyes staring at me.

" Um...Josh?"

" Yeah?"

" You okay?"

" Yeah, I'm fine. It's just sang like my most favorite Disney song ever so...angelic and beautiful." I smiled and blushed at his compliment.

" Thanks."

" You have to sing more often. You can't just keep that voice hidden inside of you," Josh admitted.

" I know." We both smiled and shared a deep romantic kiss. After we pulled apart, we laughed hysterically.

" So that's your favorite Disney song?" I asked.

" Yeah! Ariel is like my dream wife!" Josh exclaimed. I laughed to myself.

" Well, she's second to you of course," Josh said with a smile which made me smile.

" Well, I'll be right back. I have to pee," Josh said getting up. As Josh left the room, I started to put my headphones back on.

" I WANT MOOOORE!" Josh screamed/sang in the bathroom. I laughed loudly as I continued watching TV.

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