Fresh Start & E3

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"So Josh is gay?"


Me and the girls decided to have a Girls Night Out since we never hang out much.

"When did all this happen?" Karyne asked.

"A week ago. Josh came home drunk and we had a argument. He confessed that he slept with Katherine a few times and finally believed me when I said that Katherine is not pregnant. Then, we decided to break up and that's when he said that he was gay, or he think he is," I answered.

"What you mean 'he think he is'? He is gay! I knew it from the start," Valeria boomed. I rolled my eyes as I took a sip from my cocktail.

"Well, are you guys friends now?" Sterling questioned.

"Yeah, we're cool. We still talk and stuff. And I finally got what I wanted," I smiled. Everybody's eyes were on me.

"I finally got a gay best friend!" I yelled. All the girls sighed as they shocked their heads.

"Oh, Leah," Laura sighed.

"You did always say that they are good to shop with," Pamela admitted.

"True," Aholibanna said, "but what are you gonna do now?"

"I was thinking of flying to Florida for a while, you know just to take a vacation," I said.

"A vacation from what?! You don't do an- oh yeah! You're a nurse!" Franchesca realized. I nodded.

"So when are you leaving?" Dayana asked.


"Damn! You got a plane ticket already?" Leayah asked shocked.

"Yeah, I got it this morning. I already packed my stuff too," I shrugged.

"You wanna get away from us already? No love, no love at all," Leilani said shaking her head.

"I love you guys, I just wanna get away from Cali for a change," I said apologetically. They all smiled and nodded.

"Let's make a toast, to us and to Leah's fresh start," Leayah said as she raised her glass.

"To us and Leah's fresh start!" Everybody cheered and drank from their glass.


"Well, this is everything." Josh helped me pack my stuff in the cab.

"I hope you have a good time in Florida," Josh said shyly, scratching the back of his neck.

"I am gonna miss you, Josh," I said. Josh have a small smile.

"I gonna miss you too." We stood there for a second before we gave each other a huge hug. We pulled away and gave each other the last kiss we'll ever have.

"That felt weird," I said pulling away.

"Yeah it did," Josh said weirdly.

"So when you come back, are you gonna still live with me?" Josh asked nervously. I chuckled.

"Yeah, 'cause Leayah and Trey are living together now and I don't wanna interrupt them everyday," I said.

"Yes!" I laughed. The cab driver honked his horn, a sign to hurry up.

"Alright, I gotta go. I'll call you when I get there," I said as I gave Josh a quick hug. I got in the cab and drove off.


After an hour of driving and 5 hours of sitting in a plane, I was in Florida. The sun was shining bright and the palm trees were swinging. The limo driver picked me up and drove me to my hotel.

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