Author's Note

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Hi! I haven't been on this story in a while. I know I haven't updated a chapter in a very long time, but I do have a reason. For some weird reason I have writers block on the story and I can't process any ideas for this book, but I will be updating soon so don't worry. I did want to tell you all that I do have a new story that is out and it's called "Wide Awake". It's a Teen Wolf inspired book. It has the same characters from the show, but it has a different plot. I'm trying something new for a change and I already put out the prologue and I just updated chapter 1 and I would really appreciate it if you guys read it. I put a lot of work into the chapters I already have about four more chapters written but they aren't published yet but I will be publishing them pretty soon and often, but please read that story it would mean so much to me. Vote, comment, add this book to your library, and share it to other people so they can read it too. And again, I will be updating "Infinity" soon so keep this book in your library or put it in your reading list because I will be updating. I promise I just have to get out of my writers block. Also, comment on this chapter and give me some ideas that you think I should write for my next chapter or for future chapters in this book so leave a comment down below and I will look through them please don't be shy about expressing your ideas because maybe I'll end up using it and I can dedicate you to that chapter. So I know this is a very long authors note it looks as long as a chapter would be but again please please please read my new book and vote, comment, share it, and added to your library. It would mean so much to me, I worked really hard on it and I would appreciate it if you read it so if you read all of this thank you so much, I love you guys and see you later.


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