At Pamela's Mansion

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I picked up Josh from his house, since we was heading for Pamela's. I decided to wear a yellow sundress and my yellow and white wedges. As I waited for Josh, I took my phone out of my purse and went on Instagram. After scrolling down to see some pictures, I heard a slam at the door. When I looked up, I saw Josh wearing a blue short-sleeved dress shirt, denim jeans, and some sneakers. His hair was pushed to the side and flipped up on his right.

I smiled." Well, don't you look nice.", I complimented. Josh's smile faded into panic.

"Do I look okay? Should I change shirts? Does my hair look to weird? Do I-"

"Josh! You look fine. Honestly.", I reassured him. He let out a puff of air in relief.

"Good. 'Cause I didn't wanna change. I wanna make a good impression."

"I understand. Now let's go." We both got in the car and headed to Pamela's house.


Half an hour passed and we finally made it to Pamela's house. Or should I say mansion. Her house looked bigger than I imagined. There was a lot of cars parked on the sidewalk. Maybe she's throwing a party. We got out of the car and walked up to the door. As we stood in front of the door, I could feel Josh shivering,

"Josh, are you okay?" I asked.

"Ye-yeah. I'm fine. Just a little n-nervous, that's all.", he said stuttering.

"Don't be. Pamela's real cool and chill." I said. I rang the doorbell and it sounded like a hip-hop song. I could hear someone fumbling around from the inside. Finally, Pamela answered the door with a red and blue Slurpee in both hands."

"Sup, Leah.", she greeted me casually.

"Hey. I just want to introduce you to my friend, Josh. He's your biggest fan and loves your show." I stated.

"Yeah? Where is he?" I turned around to find Josh hiding behind me, scared like a little kid.

"It's okay, dude. I don't bite; unless you're food." Josh slowly came from behind me.

"Hi. My name is Josh Leyva. I watch your show everyday and I just love it! You're the best host on any show possible and you just make me laugh. And it's a dre-" Before he could finish his sentence, Pamela pushed him away and faced the cameraman who was from "MTV Cribs".

"Sup guys! My name is Pamela Ruiz and this is my crib! Let me take you on a tour of the house." As she walked in her house, 5 other guys followed her inside. Josh looked hurt and rejected.

"I'm sorry about her. You know how she is. She always wanted to be on "MTV Cribs".", said Aholibanna who was standing at the door, drinking a red Slurpee.

I chuckled."Yeah. Now I see."

"Well, aren't you gonna introduce me to your friend?" Dayana asked approaching the door.

"This is my friend, Josh. Josh these are my friends Aholibanna and Dayana." They all exchanged handshakes.

"Well, Pamela's having a dinner party inside. Why don't you guys come in?" Aholibanna said. We all walked inside and the place was huge! In every room possible, there was a Slurpee machine.

"Damn, Pamela. You got everything don't you?" I muttered to myself. Aholibanna led us to the dinning room where people were seated and talking. I could see Sterling talking to Valeria at the table.

"Hey guys! Look who came!" exclaimed Dayana. Sterling and Valeria turned around and their faces lit up.

"Leah! Long time no see!" said Valeria.

"Yeah! Where have you been hiding?" questioned Sterling.

"Just out that's all. I want you guys to meet my friend Josh. Josh ,these are my funny friends Valeria and Sterling."

"Sup, dude!" they both said in unison.

" Hi. Nice to finally meet you guys!. Josh introduced himself while giving them both hugs.

"You guys get settled. Imma go in the dance room and tell Melany to stop doing the "High School Musical" dance. Aholibanna and Dayana left and we sat down next to the girls.

"Who's these guys...guys?" I asked laughing.

" Well this is my husband, Peter. I call him Pooter.", answered Sterling proudly. Peter's cheeks got red in embarrassment.

" And this is my boyfriend of 2 years, Josh Hutcherson. You probably know him from "The Hunger Games." stated Valeria. I shook his hand with a smile as well as Josh.

" Nice to meet you guys.", we both said.

After a half an hour passed, the cameramen finally left and Pamela approached the dinning room.

"Sorry guys I took so long. but my dream came true today and I just had to take that opportunity. But since I'm finished we could now eat!" And with that, 20 butlers with trays in their hands came into the room. Everyone applauded at the spectacle as they sat the trays on the table for each person.


After everyone finished eating, Pamela got up and started tapping on her Slurpee cup like a champagne glass.

Ting ting ting ting ting

" Excuse me. I'd like to make an announcement." Everyone's eyes were on Pamela.

"Since season 4 of " 18 and Pregnant" is coming to an end, I will be having a season 5! And I'm so proud of what I've accomplished and I wanted to bring you guys here to celebrate with me. Cheers to Season 5!"

"Cheers!" everyone shouted. Then another clinking sound was heard.

" I have something to say, too." announced Josh H. He stood Valeria up and looked her in the eyes.

"Valeria, we've been together for 2 years, almost going on 3. Being with you is like going on adventures with you. I love you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. So, I ask u this." Josh got on one knee and pulled out a diamond ring. Valeria had her hands over her mouth and the crowd was in shock.

" Valeria Samantha Romero, will you do me the honors of marrying me?" Josh H. asked. A tear fell from Valeria's eyes.

"Yes. Yes Josh Hutcherson I will marry you!" she exclaimed and gave him a hug. Everyone clapped while they shared a kiss.

"Awww! That's sooo sweet!" Aholibanna and Dayana said in unison.

" I have an announcement as well.", said Sterling standing up. Everyone looked at Sterling.

Peter held her hand and squeezed it tight. " I'm pregnant!", she exclaimed. Everyone cheered and clapped for her.

"Wow.", I simply said.

"Didn't expect that one, did ya?" said Josh. Then, Melany came in the room out of no where.

"We're all in this together!" she exclaimed while doing the dance.

"This is the best dinner party I ever through!" Pamela said happily while drinking red and blue Slurpees.

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