We're Coming Home

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After a few days, Harmony was able to finally go home with Sterling and Peter. They truly love her. Sterling was so ecstatic to be a mom. As we were coming out if the hospital, Valeria grabbed my wrist.

" Leah? I'm really wanna thank you.", she said.

" For what?"

" For not just being there for me and Sterling, but for everyone. You're like the nicest friend we all could ever have.", she said.

" Aww. Thanks.", we both then shared a hug.

" Well can I now have my lovely wife now?" asked Josh H.

We both laughed. " Of course.", I laughed. He smiled and hugged

Valeria. They held hands and walked to their car with everyone else. I stood there and watched everyone leave when Josh hugged me from behind.

" Hey beautiful.", he complimented.

I giggled." Hey handsome." I turned around and gave him a kiss and the cheek.

" So, what do you wanna do?"

" I don't know."

" So, when will my beautiful girlfriend move in with me?"

" Well, it's gonna take some time. I'm gonna have pack up my stuff. Ya'know tell Leayah, hopefully she understands."

" I'm sure she'll understand. She's you're best friend. Eric said that he's moving in with his girlfriend tomorrow so I'll have the house to myself."

" Ok." We walked to the car and headed to my house.

" And don't worry. Leayah will understand completely."


" You're moving out?!" exclaimed Leayah.

" Yeah?" I said nervously.

" I am..... so happy for you gurl!" She screamed while hugging me tightly.

" I though you'd be-"

" Mad? Naww gurl! I'm happy you found a guy you really love.", she smiled. I smiled too and gave her another hug.

" So, who's gonna move in here when I leave?" I wondered.

" Trey of course!" I laughed and headed to my room.

I loved Josh. I really did. Meeting him at that pizzeria was probably a sign. no not probably, it was. He's handsome, sweet, kind, and truthful. I'm truly happy I met him. Still in my thoughts, I hear my phone ringing.

It's Josh.

" Hey Leah."

" Hey!"

" Are you bored"

" Um... maybe?"

" Yeah, you're bored. You wanna go out for a while?"

" Sure. And Leayah was ecstatic that I was moving out. She's glad that I found a guy that loves me and a guy that I love. Trey's gonna move in with her when I leave.", I stated.

He chuckled through the phone. " Hey what can I say: My " Josh Powers" work every time.", he said proudly.

" You're so cocky and conceited.", I said jokingly.

" Whatever. I'll be there in 20 minutes babe."

" Okay. See you then." I then hung up the phone and started to change into some clothes.

I love Josh.

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