The Visit

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" What the hell are you doing here?" My mood went completely from happy to angry. Why does she think that she could just come to my house anytime she wants? Chick, this ain't Burger King: you can't have it your way.

" Well, aren't you gonna let me in, Joshy?" she said in a sweet voice. That sweet voice used to get her whatever she wanted, but not anymore.

" Don't call me that," I gritted my teeth. A sly smile formed on her face. I sighed and opened the door wider so she could enter. Thank god I told Leah about her or else she would kick my ass! Leah was still sitting on the couch watching the movie.

" Leah, this is my ex-girlfriend Katherine. Katherine, this is my GIRLFRIEND Leah," I said literally shouting out the word girlfriend so it could get to her head.



" Hi, Katherine. It's nice to finally meet you. Josh has told me a lot about you," I said shaking her hand.

" Yeah, I bet he has," Katherine said winking at him. Josh gave in a nervous smiled and went in the kitchen.

" Why is it so dark in here? Are you guys having a private party, if you know what I mean?" she asked taking off her coat.

" No. We were watching a movie, until you rudely interrupted us," Josh said turning on the lights by clapping his hands.

" Oh! I am so sorry, Joshy Poo," Katherine said smiling.

" Joshy Poo?" I asked cocking an eyebrow.

Josh nervously laughed. " Um...Katherine, can we talk in private please?" Josh asked heading over to Katherine.

" Josh, you know that what ever you have to say you could say it in front of your own girlfriend," Katherine stated.

" But I wanna talk to you in private.. now!" Josh grabbed Katherine's wrist and headed for the guest bedroom.

I shrugged and went back to the movie.


Me and Katherine entered the guest bedroom and I closed the door and locked it.

" Ooo, Josh. The last time you closed the door and locked it was when we-"

" No! We are not going there. Now, why are you here?" I asked.

" What other reason would I have to be here, Josh? To see you of course," Katherine said trying to give me a hug, but I refused.

" I don't need you to come see me. I have a girl already. And she's certainly nothing like you," I said.

" Josh, I'm sorry. What I did with your brother is in the past. This is the present and I know you haven't gotten over me yet," she said coming toward me biting her lip.

" I got over you when I broke up with you! There is nothing in you, on you or about you that I miss." She hung her head low then a smirk from ear to ear appeared on her face. She started to unbutton her blouse until I finally figured out what she was trying to do.

" Oh trust me, you could take all your clothes off and it still wouldn't faze me," I said heading out the room.

" Josh!" I turned around. Katherine walked up to me.

" Look, that Leah girl... she isn't right for you. She's just a little girl and you need a me," Katherine said sympathetically. I chuckled.

" She won't last long. She'll just be another notch on your belt to show off to your friends. You and her will never have the kind of relationship we have."

" We had," I corrected her, " Besides, Leah's not like that. She's just..." Katherine gave me an anticipating look.

" Epic," I smiled.

" Epic?"

" Yeah, and awesome too. She has the most coolest friends too." Katherine's mouth was shaped in an "o".

" I have cool friends. You even said I did," she whined.

" No. I just said that so I wouldn't hurt your "feelings"." Katherine started to slowly get aggravated.

" Then what are my friends?"

" Mean and snobby," I simply stated.

" Well, I'll have you know that my friends are not mean and snobby. They are sophisticated and classy," Katherine stated with pride.

"Whatever floats your boat," I said. We stood there in silence.

" Look, I have to go. Andrew-"

" Andrew? You brother Andrew?"

" Yeah. We're meeting up at Joe's Crab Shack."

" It's 11:30."

" The night just started." She walked out the room and I followed. Leah was still on the couch watching the movie crying.

" Okay, Augustus," she sobbed wiping her tears. I laughed slightly to myself as I lead Katherine to the door.

" It was nice meeting you, Leah," Katherine said in an attitude.

" Yeah yeah," Leah said swatting her hand to the door. Katherine frowned and walked out the door.

" I can't believe your dating my brother," I said still shocked.

" Yeah well, he's got me hooked on him, if you catch my drift," she said winking. I rolled my eyes and slammed the door in her face. As the movie was going off, I realized that Leah wasn't really crying at all.

" Is she gone?" she asked. I nodded.

" Good," she said throwing the box of tissues on the couch. She sat on the barstool next to me.

" What a bitch!" she said as I handed her a glass of red wine.

" Yeah, tell me about it," I said grabbing me a glass too.

" Joshy Poo?" she questioned smiling.

" Shut up," I said annoyed. Leah laughed loudly as she took a sip from her glass.

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