9 Months Later

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9 months later.....

" I'm so freaking nervous guys! What if I'm not ready for this?" said Valeria frantically as I was doing her hair. It was Valeria's wedding day and we were all in the bathroom getting ready. Sterling, the maid of honor, was doing her makeup. Aholibanna, Leayah, and Dayana were helping her with her dress. Karyne picked out the jewelry and Pamela was by the door drinking a red Slurpee.

" What are you doing?!" screamed Valeria as she turned around in her chair.

" What?" Pamela answered confusingly.

" Why are you drinking a red Slurpee in your dress?"

" 'Cause I'm thirsty?"

" I don't care if you're dehydrated! Put that drink away! I don't want anything spilled on those dresses." said Valeria angrily.

Pamela put her hands up in surrender. " Okay okay, I will." She threw the Slurpee in the trash and just stood by the door.

" Okay! You're all done!" Everyone said in unison. Valeria turned around and was completely shock.

" Guys, I look...."

" Beautiful.", finished Karyne. Valeria shed a tear of joy.

" Oh no you don't! You will not be crying. I worked hard on this makeup!" said Sterling. We all laughed. Then there was a knock at the door. Dayana opened it and it was Valeria's mom.

" Mommy!" exclaimed Valeria. Her mom smiled and they both shared a hug.

" You look beautiful." she complimented.

" Thanks."

" Now, I wanna give you something. I wore this on my wedding day." She went in her purse and pulled out a hair pin with red cherry blossoms on it. They both smiled and her mom put the pin in her curly hair.

" Now, let's get married!" Aholibanna screamed. We all laughed and headed out the beach house.


It was a beautiful June day. The sun was shinning and there was no wind at all. Everyone was seated in their dresses and tuxes. We was waiting to walk down the aisle. Aholibanna was with Elvin, Sterling was with Peter, Karyne was with Kenny, Pamela was with Josh H's friend, Liam, Dayana was with Eric and I was with my boyfriend Josh. Then the music played. We each took turns waking down the aisle until everyone stood up when Valeria came down. I could see Josh H smile as he saw Valeria. After she met with Josh H, everyone was seated.

" Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today in holy matrimony to celebrate the wedding of Valeria Romero and Josh Hutcherson. Before we begin, does anyone think that these two lovers should not get married. Please speak now or forever hold your peace." Everyone looked around and no one spoke a word.

" Okay then, we may begin. Now, Josh Hutcherson, do take Valeria to be your wedded wife? In sickness and in health, for richer or for poorer, til death do you part, as long as you both shall live?" said the pastor.

" I do."

" And Valeria, do take Josh to be your wedded husband? In sickness and in health, for richer or for poorer, til death do you part, as long as you both shall live?" said the pastor.

"I do." Then they both exchanged rings and their vows.

" Then by the power invested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.", the pastor announced with a smile. They newly weds smiled at each other and shared a kiss. The crowd stood up and clapped in joy. The couple ran in the house and we all followed for the reception.


Me and my friends were all seated at the table Valeria and Josh H. sat at.

" You know you look beautiful today, right?" complimented Josh.

" Thanks. You don't look to bad yourself." I said. He smiled and gave me a peck on the lips.

Ting ting ting ting!

Josh H. stood up and was clinking at his champagne glass.

" I would like to propose a toast, for I am the most happiest man right now. I'm married to the girl I loved for 3 years and it's a true blessing to celebrate our marriage with all my friends. I love you Val.", he finished smiling at Valeria. She smiled back and gave him a kiss. The crowd awed as they couple shared their kiss.

" To the newly weds!" I screamed.

" To the newly weds!" Everyone screamed as they drank from their glass.

Then Sterling stood up with Peter helping her. " Now I would like to propose a toast. Valeria, you've been my best friend for years and I'm so happy for you right now. This is your day to shine and I just-" she stopped with a panic expression on her face.

" Babe, what's wrong?" wondered Peter.

" I think my water just broke."

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