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 "See James, it wasn't so bad moving to Texas." said James's older brother as they stepped out from the car.

"I guess you and Elizabeth where right, it isn't that bad compared to Utah." said James.

"I love how the yard has beautiful flowers and that this house isn't so big just to settle down in."

said Elizabeth cheerfully skipping around as her pigtails bounced around along with her shining and soft green eyes.

"Hey Michael, can you help me unload the moving van please?" asked the father.

"Sure thing sir William." Michael teased. Michael was the oldest of the three by being 14 with his horse like face and black hair with a terrible hairstyle and shirts with sleeves cut off and jeans with holes showing as he walked over to help his dad

"Michael how many times do I have to tell you, you can just call me dad, anyways come help me this TV is really heavy."

They both started lifting as a woman soft voice called out to be

"Careful now you two."

"Ah Alexa it will be fine, we got this," William told to reassure his wife.

"I know, I know the men are the strongest in the family, my father told me the same thing when we moved out of New Jersey and to Utah."

Michael and William carried the TV toward the living room while Elizabeth and Alexa put away kitchen utensils while James walked around picking out his room.

"Hey Alexa, can you bring me the instructions to the TV. I forget how to plug the cables in," asked William politely.

"Sure thing honey, stay here Elizabeth, don't mess around with the knives all right?" Alexa told Elizabeth as she happily replied

"Okay, Mommy."

"Here you are." Alexa said as she handed William the instructions.

"Thanks." said William as he read them and flipped through the pages. "Alright, this might take a bit." William announced to his family.

Hours passed, everything was unpacked, the rooms were picked out and the TV was working.

"Now since we got everything unpacked we gotta decide what my job will be." William said clapping his hands as he sat down on the couch across from his family.

"Car washer maybe?" said Alexa.

"I think they make a lot of money, especially in this type of heat."

Everyone sat silent, thinking.

"How about a spaceman?" Elizabeth asked.

"Oh, Elizabeth how I want too but the training will take forever and I will be away from my happy family for the most of the time." He said as he hugged his daughter and kissed her on the forehead.

"Hey, dad since you love keeping your family happy why not a family restaurant?" Michael said with a smile as William jumped up in excitement.

"Actually that isn't bad, yeah a family restaurant that will be close by within walking range. It will be great. Me and my good old buddy, Henry, could be the managers."

"That sounds wonderful, you and Mr Miller running a restaurant." said James with a huge smile as he pushed some of his hanging brown hair out of his eyes.

"So would a haircut James, you look like a relative to Chewbacca." Michael told James as he ruffled his hair with Elizabeth gigging and James pushing it back into place.

"Cut it out Michael, you said you wouldn't tease me again!" James said burying his head in his arms as Michael wrapped his arm around and said,

"Hey I'm not teasing you I'm just making a suggestion, don't lose it Bruce Banner or you might turn into the Hulk." Now Elizabeth burst out laughing as Alexa started in as well saying,

"Okay, that's enough you two."She said with a soft, pleasant voice.


"Oh, I got it." William picked up the phone and answered with a hello.

"Hhhheeeeeyyyy William, did you make it to the new house?" said a voice on the dial phone.

"Yep we sure did Henry and I have a great idea, meet me at the bowling alley." William hung up and walked to the door.

"Going out honey?" Alexa asked.

"Yep, haven't seen Henry in 3 months." William said as he put on his coat and grabbed the keys. "I won't be long, just going to have a 10 minute or so chat, love you all."

"Bye daddy." said Elizabeth.

William drove off to the bowling alley 30 minutes away until he saw Henry's car parked in the parking lot as he drove up next to it. As he stepped out, he noticed Henry standing up against his truck.

"Well well well, here comes my old pal, William Afton, come here you." Henry said as he ran up to William hugging him.

"How have you been?" he asked William.

"Good, been better back is sore from the lifting but get this, I know what to do for a job." William said with excitement.

"Now before we begin talking about your idea I brought my great business pal, Peter. He was interested as well." Henry said as Peter stepped out of the car and shook William's hand.

"Greetings Mr Afton, such a pleasure to meet the head manager of Afton Robotics. How is the company by the way?"

"Not that good." William said in a disappointed look,

"Every employee either quit or I had to let go."

"Well maybe this new idea can bring your company back, you still own it after all." Henry said putting his hand on William's back.

"Yes and speaking of, go ahead and do tell us William." Peter said leaning against Henry's truck.

"What are you talking about?" William asked with a confused face.

"Your idea dingus, you know... The one you said you had over the phone." Henry said.

"Oooohhh that one, sorry I forgot for a minute there. Okay so you know I love keeping my family happy right and you do too Henry, and I assume you as well Peter?" William said pacing.

"Not married." Peter quickly let out before William continued.

"So why not we open a diner Henry, a family diner?" William said as he waved his arms in several motions.

"Sure why not, might bring in a lot of money but let's make it original." Henry said pondering at the same time.

"Hey we can use the animatronics from your company that you can build and use them for it." Peter blurted out.

"Create a robot mascot, that is a great idea, Peter!" Peter was flattered and waved his arm saying

"Aaawwww you!"

Now William began pacing again while thinking out loud.

"My second son likes bears and he cuddled with a teddy bear when he was very little so why not a bear mascot?" Henry put his fist against his chin and began nodding.

"Hmm yeah but first off where do we get the money to build the place. Second, what do we call him and third let's not have one but two for more popularity? But again, where do we get the money?" Henry asked.

"Don't worry we will borrow a loan from the bank and pay them back some of the money we earn till our debt is settled." William said without thinking.

"That is a good and easy way." Peter said agreeing while writing everything down.

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