Chapter 1: The Diner and Circus Baby

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The next couple of hours were going well for the opening day at Circus Baby's, the business was good at Fredbear's as well.

"Hey Henry before I go how much money did we get at Fredbear's yesterday? We made $500 over here so far. Not bad, in fact good. You made just about $1,000, must be busy there. Listen I made this cause well we have to split a lot of cash between you, me, Peter, Michael, Fritz and our other employees and I take the least amount. I need the cash for my family so I started this and it seems like I'm trying to bank off the animatronic restaurant success so far and it kind of is but I just need the cash so don't get mad or feel like I'm abandoning our creation or trying to out-do you and Peter. Alright, talk to you later."

William hung up and called Fritz and told her of Funtime Freddy being moved to the Breaker Room

"We are moving FunTime Freddy and BonBon to the Breaker Room while the curtain is down and the robots are being checked and prepped for their next show in Party Room 3."

"May I ask why?" Fritz questioned.

"Too many kids tried honking Freddy's nose and the face plates opened up and scared them. One adult got so angry, he tried to dismantle him but only damaged his programming and we can't have that happen again today." William said.

"Oh and another thing where did you put the scraped animatronic FunTime Ennard? Remind me again why we didn't use him and I know you didn't dismantle him so where is he?" William had to think for a second and then said.

"He is deactivated in the closest furthest away from my office because his spring lock mechanisms wouldn't hold for very long and he kept breaking so I used the outside layers parts and gave them to you to redesign and put them on Freddy and Foxy ."

"Oh okay. Speaking of your office, what do you do in that office anyway than paperwork?" William began leaning on the wall as he began explaining.

"Well, I monitor the place and my home for intruders and my youngest son and other boss stuff."

"Oh okay because I saw some drops of blood on the floor near the door when I stopped by earlier as a guest. Did you cut yourself?" Fritz asked in a concerned voice.

"While taking Funtime Freddy back a spring lock came loose and cut open my hand." William stuttered out.

"Oh alright, thanks for telling me I was worried that something bad happened alright I will go do my job." Fritz said with a sigh of relief while the noises of loud kids could be heard making a ruckus banging stuff, laughing, some screaming.

"Alright Fritz, see you soon." He then hung up and began walking toward his office.

"Heh, spring lock came loose. Yeah right, if that happened the whole thing would come apart and it would've taken my whole hand. *Sigh* For someone highly intelligent you sure you are slow. You almost weren't convinced but thank god the smart one knows when to get to work and stop asking questions." William muttered under his breath as he walked over to his office. He entered the code 1983 and swiped a card and entered his office. He locked the door being him and walked down a corridor until he stopped at a room with a deactivated Funtime Freddy, sitting there, motionless, bleeding.

"I'm no sorry kid, your parents didn't wish for this to ever happen to you but..... I have to help my family by protecting my company. I never knew you or saved you nor did I care. But I won't do anything about this, I'd rather protect those I know and love than strangers who don't know how to keep their hands to themselves." He said as he was looking at that sight. He began to clean the blood and continued thinking.

"Now this is a game of hiding and seek, but you will be forever hidden. Never found... It's for the best kid. William, thank god you are here, you and your family wouldn't know what to do or who to trust. Everything that is happening now wouldn't be happening without you being here for them and thanks for understanding this was an accident and this must be done... For the better of the company."

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