Chapter 8: The Forgotten and Reunions

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      Springtrap continued through the woods until he saw familiar roads that he drove on when he and James were taken to the hospital. He felt no emotion nor shed one tear for his caring side is long gone. He doesn't have a second thought on going to murder his only son left nor does he care for him anymore. He is still determined that he was set up and Michael needs punishment. He continues walking on the empty road slowly seeing in the distance the hospital with what only appears to be three cars.

"Perfect, I won't have to worry about waiting until night to strike." Springtrap said chuckling. He began walking up the front doors, checking for cameras and seeing one he stands still but sees no red light anywhere so it must be deactivated. He entered the doors to find only a few lights on in some hallways. There was no one at the front desk so he walked over to the old computer and started it up. Surprisingly it didn't require a password so it went straight to the desktop. He saw the file on patients staying at the hospital at that month and Michael was apparently for the past 6 years was here in room 132, floor 3 right next to Doctor Joseph's office and he was under Doctor Joseph's treatment. Springtrap started walking up the stairs to avoid the guard at the elevators and his cameras to pay Doctor Joseph and Michael a visit.

"Fritz, Fritz, Fritz! WAKE UP!" Fritz heard as she jolted awake from a voice. It was Joseph's, she saw he had a bloody doctor uniform and took a look at her arm. Her left stub of an arm had bandages and sewed up the skin, she then remembered how she got there.

"Are you alright Fritz, when you got here you passed out, and almost bleeding out too. You're lucky I was so quick enough to patch up your arm and save your life." Doctor Joseph said, sighing in relief but with a concerned look.

"I am much better now, it doesn't hurt anymore, did you numb my arm?" Fritz asked with a smile.

"Of course I did, what other way was there to sew you up and do several procedures to patch up everything. Speaking of which, how did you get this?" Fritz wanted to tell the truth but was afraid of being deemed crazy, just like before when telling someone about being attacked by killer robots. She hesitated at first but decided to do it since things might be different this time.

"I was attacked... I was attacked by Fredbear." Doctor Joseph's expression suddenly dropped as if his heart just stopped beating.

"F-Fredbear, I haven't heard that name since 84. With James... And the Afton family... You sure you were attacked by that... thing?" Fritz had no idea why he was agreeing with everything and scared. But she obliged, she nods her head yes.

"Oh, then he was right, they have come back." Fritz was now even more confused. Who was he?

"Who is he, Joseph?" Joseph walked closer to Fritz.

"He is Micheal." Fritz's heart dropped.

"M-Michael, but he went missing, I kept watch in newspapers and TV news programs, they never found him." She stuttered out.

"Because he didn't want to be found, but one day, Henry found him, sad, alone, looking like a decade old dead purple body. But he was alive in that alleyway, barely... Henry took Michael to me and for the past 6 years, I have been keeping him alive as I have been promoted to head doctor and assistant manager of the hospital. I have been feeding him, giving him old clothes of mine, I have been disguising him with skin like makeup and some plastic surgery to make his skin not purple although I couldn't do anything about his smile and black eyes and white pupils." Fritz felt relieved that she didn't make him kill himself or anything terrible but still wondered one thing.

"But how was his skin purple if he was alive, was it because he was hiding and not bathing for so long?" Joseph's expression turned serious.

"Fritz we all know that is scientifically impossible to ever happen. In the first month, I took an x-ray to see if he had a tumour or cancer of some sort. But instead of a skeleton, I found an endoskeleton, but what disturbed me more was finding an Afton robotics logo in the torso piece, I immediately ran a blood test and found it really was Michael Afton. I couldn't believe how he stayed alive with no skeleton, his organs moved around, and how his flesh and muscles were merged with metal and electronics. But he survived and is working with me, my son, Jeremy, Henry on a special project to free them all. And now that you are here and on your way to our location to end everything, you can join our cause." Fritz felt a cold feeling run through her spine.

"How did you know I was heading toward this 'new' location?" Joseph smiled.

"The note with the picture and address of the location we are working at fell out of your other hand, we gave that note to Michael who was living at his old home at the time and happened to come over for his every other month weekly stay at the hospital for checks. Speaking of which, I must go see to him, you are okay to leave, we had you here for several hours and you show signs of recovering so you can go to the new location. The trip will take about 15-16 hours since it's in Utah but trust me, it's there to end everything since everything began there. Now for the people, you will be expecting to see up there, possibly me, Michael, Henry and Jeremy. It was nice seeing you again Fritz." She smiled as she picked up the paper of the table in the room.

"Thank you for everything Doctor Joseph, thank you for caring for me and being my neighbour for all these years, and tell Michael I said hello and I was glad he was okay." Joseph nodes his head and walks away as Fritz enters the elevator and goes down, but as her descent began and the doors closed, Springtrap busted the staircase door open. He looks down both sides of the hallway to see no camera, he then notices the room number that Michael was in. He chuckled as he slowly walked closer. The door creaked open with Joseph's eye looking through to see Springtrap to suddenly charge. Joseph slammed the door shut and barricaded it with the hospital bed. Michael sat up from the chair in the room confused.

"What is going on Joseph? Why are you barricading the door?" Joseph backed away from the door to where Michael standing.

"One of those animatronics is here, they are looking for someone, we can't take our chances, you must avoid it, here, the door to my office is to the far left." Joseph handed Michael a key.

"Wait, you're not coming? Come on Joseph we can both escape I promise you. You can see your son, Jeremy again." Michael said in confusion, but Joseph just smiled politely.

"Michael, it's my time, I'm very old anyways, I have helped your family for so many years, and it's the animatronic from your nightmares you've been telling me was your undead father. Now go, I must face your father if it even is him anymore." The door began banging harder now, a harder knock every time until a golden, rotten fist finally punched a hole through. Springtrap pulled his hand back and wanted Michael to know who he was, so he pulled his head open to reveal his rotting skull head and looked through the giant hole.

"Hello Michael, IT'S ME!" Springtrap said as he then grabbed the doorknob and pulled the door back and off its hinges, he has finally broken through. Joseph stood there, holding g his ground, showing no fear. As Springtrap slowly entered into the room, Joseph suddenly charged with a taser, at first, it worked, it was shocking Springtrap who then fell back. Joseph walked up to him, activating the taser again but his leg was swooped by Springtrap's leg. Joseph fell on his back, he looked up to see Springtrap up on his feet, grinning. Springtrap put his foot on Joseph's torso and began pulling his arms off. Joseph screamed in agonizing pain, with each moment getting worse, feeling his bones break, his flesh being torn apart, muscle by muscle. Then finally he ripped them out so suddenly, blood was spraying everywhere, Joseph was still screaming.

"Oh do shut up!" Springtrap said as he rose his foot, and suddenly stomping on Joseph's head, he kept doing it over and over, his skull breaking more and more along with his brain and muscles. Springtrap kept stomping until all that was left of Joseph's head was a bloody mush. Michael saw it all, he tried the key on the door but it wouldn't fit, Joseph gave him the wrong key. He quickly his to the corner that was right of the door to avoid Springtrap and hopefully sneak past him. But Springtrap heard him go there, so he walked slowly in the room.

"Oh, it's a shame they removed my message I left for them with Jeremy. It looked good in his current situation, but I bet it would like better engraved on your corpse, my son." Springtrap said immediately turning right and smashed his fists into the wall, he missed Michael who dodged under. While Springtrap fell into the corner, Michael ran and grabbed his wallet and dove out the window, breaking the weak glass, and diving head first to the concrete ground. He fell but no blood splattered, he didn't feel any pain although he had cuts and bruises everywhere. He ran to his car and started it, he drove away from the direction Fritz was going, in fact, he was driving to where she came from, his old home and the carnival where Fazbear Fright burned, he had the rest to gather.

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