Chapter 2: The Disappearances, the New Location, and The Party

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 The next morning the kids woke up to see their mother or father anywhere and Alexa's car anywhere so they assumed they went somewhere until they heard the elevator. James began feeling scared as he began remembering the sight and ran away while crying while Michael waited to see it was his dad. He asked him where his mother went as William responded.

"She left super earlier without saying goodbye Michael. I know this is hard, on all of us." They then hugged and slowly began forming back together to be a caring family again over time. The news kept popping up on their doorstep and on television of the disappearance of the child, Elizabeth's death, and the disappearance of Alexa of the recently closed Circus Baby's but William kept that news away from his kids. The police were receiving several reports on Circus Baby's Pizza World's closure and the incidents from opening day and soon after they began to question every employee working for William, Henry, and then they questioned him and his blueprints for the animatronics. The manager of funding for Afton robotics came in with a police officer as he and William sat at a table and began looking over the blueprints.

"There is no doubting what you have achieved on a technical level. These are clearly state of the art, but there are certain, design choices that were made for these robots that we don't fully understand. We were hoping you could shed some light on those." William sat up in the chair at the table they were at and responded very calmly.

"She can dance, she can sing, she is equipped with a built-in helium tank to blow up balloons right at her fingertips. She can take song requests, she can even dispense ice cream." Then he smiled at the man but he leaned in with a serious look on his face.

"With all due respect, those weren't the design choices we were curious about Mr Afton." That is all that Michael and James heard before a police officer decided to drive them to school as he quickly rushed them out of the room.

Later that year Fredbear's closed because the police found out of the spring lock incident killing two employees and the recent murder of kid with a green bracelet who couldn't get into the building. William stayed quiet on both but he knew what happened. On the days before the investigation, he was still depressed from her funeral and after seeing every parent and kid living their happy lives without a care in the world. William decided to go to a bar and drink away since he was out of whiskey at home. He stayed there for a couple of hours, leaving Michael and James alone. William looked at his watch and noticed the peculiar time, it was about the time Michael gets home from working at Fredbear's, so William decided to drive home in the rain. Since he was near to passing out and kept speeding on the road and nearly avoiding crashes. He almost missed the turn home with all the speeding traffic but he made it, his mind told him one last drink so he pulled in to the close by a bar called JR's. He parked with his purple car to see the manager step out of the bar and stand there, staring at him. William got out and barely walked straight to the man.

"Come on, you know you can't be here. Don't make this more difficult than it has to be." The man said, standing in the doorway and in William's way. William turned back and drove away disappointed. He continued on his way home and parked in his front yard. The rain got even harder so William quickly got in his home to find Michael sitting down watching TV. Michael got a glance at William and his movement and knew he was drunk.

"Leave him alone tonight. He had a rough day." Michael said but William ignored him to go see if James was there. William continued down the hall to find James's door closed. William felt as his child was becoming more distant and avoiding and keeping secrets from William so he didn't like the door being closed. He walked up to the door and knocked.

"I told you not to close your door." William said in a loud voice. There was no response from the other side so William felt that James was ignoring him now. He backed up a bit to rush at the door.

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