Chapter 3: The Nightmares

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    James was so scared as he remembered more and slowly learned how to face them and survive in his own mind. But his Fredbear plush slowly guided his mind on how to not give up and to try to wake up from the coma. But James was weak and letting the darkness in and seeing lies as he thought that everyone made fun of him for being scared when in reality they were concerned. Whenever Michael visits he tells himself that

"Tomorrow is another day and maybe James would recover from this." but James heard him but only heard

"Tomorrow is another day." His Fredbear plush as he started to remember things especially on the third day of being in the hospital, the nightmares got more persistent but James felt a stronger, more evil presence out to get him. It was foxy with his hellish appearance of a skilled predator and his sneaky methods of getting in but eventually, he too was predictable and James knew how to keep him at bay. But on the fifth day, as he remembered the day of the party, the four presences he knew weren't there. Instead it was a new one, he was terrified to but he ran up to his left door and turned on his flashlight and saw Fredbear with razor-sharp teeth with his blood and tears on them, red eyes of the devil, claws to tear into flesh with and to keep a grip, and teeth for a stomach so it could eat James like his sister.

He immediately shut the door as Fredbear began to run at him and as it closed Fredbear began to bang his arm against it. He stopped and scratched his nails on the door slowly and ran away laughing to the other side. James blocked that side too but Fredbear became faster and faster so James had to be quicker and quicker. When it hit 3 am he heard him laugh and no footsteps and checked both sides and he wasn't there. He checked the closet and saw nothing and felt breath on the back of his neck and turned to shine his light on a giant Fredbear head just starring, creating static noises and laughing and it suddenly disappeared. The same thing happened at 4 am but instead, James checked the closet last and found Fredbear sitting down as his head was slowly coming closer with his giant teeth and soul-piercing red eyes. James quickly shut the closet and heard him laugh and he was gone but now he knew how to beat him. As it struck 6 am on his alarm clock, James built up all courage to finally remember the party but as he did he saw every detail the exact same as it was on that day and it shattered his soul to see his brother bully him and do this to him as the memory faded to black as he broke down, alone and scared.

He suddenly saw his memories all over again, repeating while he was alone in his memories of what happened the past five days over and over driving him mad. He felt all alone and felt unwanted and never stopped crying. In reality at the hospital, William could barely stop crying whenever he visited because of the fear that his younger son might die and that his older son who he completely trusted would ever do such a thing to kill his brother. When he got home he decided to try to drink the thought away until he couldn't think about it or he thought he would go mad. So he decided on the second day of the coma to start teaching his son lessons by hitting him across the face and once gave him a black eye. Every single day this happened but Michael soon accepted it as he saw it as it was all his fault when he didn't know but still let it happen and as it was punishment for his crime. Sally, Thomas, or Mark didn't say anything about what they did to anyone else like Michael but didn't want to talk especially to each other for the fear that the sight of what they saw and done would always haunt them and their conversations. In the time of the nightmares, they would move exactly how the kids who tried to "help" him get over his fear and the breathing that James looked out for was the real breathing of either them in the masks or Michael breathing heavily and crying. He saw his sister again but took the same advice and the days all played up like before from getting locked in his room too scared by his brother to Fredbear's to locked in parts and service to the party itself. James saw his big brother as the bully who hated his little guts and threw him into Fredbear's mouth to kill him and thought that he and his friends enjoyed his death. He then saw one more nightmare from the everyday ones to Fredbear to a shadow.

A darker, more secret version of the nightmare Fredbear. A shadow of the night. A shadow which James knew was the sole embodiment of his dark, angry, and sad thoughts and what he could become. A shadow that reflected what he would be in the future after this. One that held every secret, the one of two who died to those suits as well, one of the two shadows he saw on the day of the party. An outcast who was relentless like the rest but was way too quick but James realised he looked like Fredbear so he must do the same methods of trying to get in and it was true and so he survived the sole embodiment of true nightmares. On that day at 7 am, James saw his Fredbear plush and his other plush friends, just in the dark room while he was crying of how he wanted to go home and how he never wanted this endless nightmare. All of his friends were telling him he will be okay and how they are there for him as he was slowly dying. In reality it was the seventh day he was hospitalized and since there were no signs of him ever waking up, William's doctor, Doctor Joseph told William and Michael of what he decided was best for James and pulled the plug while Michael and his friends told James how they were all sorry and didn't mean for this to happen and how they regret their actions toward him. He died on August 13, 1983, just as they all finished saying how sorry they all were, several months since the incident. Everyone even William was all sad but all leftover time, except for Michael. He was the most devastated thinking he murdered his own brother and that there was no redemption for him. He then let go of his brother's hand and started to hug his body while sobbing uncontrollably saying how sorry he was and was hoping he was in a better place now with his little sister.

He then left the hospital, wiping away his tears and headed home with the thought of being a murderer of his little brother. He noticed his father wasn't home and he assumed he was at work so he didn't mind and went to his room to cry and hate himself for this tragedy. William was still in the hospital room but behind the door. As he exited his hiding place he took the Fredbear plush out of James's hands and the foxy head Michael left there and said

"I will put you back together. I promise James, you and Elizabeth will be put back together." As tears began to stream down his face he left and returned home and went straight to his room and grabbed two locks and a chest. He took out the controller and radio he had inside the Fredbear plush and stitched the plush back together. He put the spare foxy head and the Fredbear plush inside the box, alongside the red bow from Elizabeth and a picture of Alexa and William on their wedding day. He locked both locks and hid the keys away in his room and left the chest under James's Bed, to be untouched.

"Some things are best left forgotten." He said to himself as he turned out the lights and went to watch TV and drink so he could forget how life is cruel and some points, especially his life, feeling something worse than death, the emptiness within the soul and no urge to carry on with life. But through his drunken mind, thought as clear as ever popped in and it was like the one on the day he murdered that child.

"Everyone else is living happily ever after with their children and not thinking about people like me who have lost everything." He said as tears streamed down but at one point, he began to form a smile and stood up to whispered

"They will feel my pain, so will their children, they will all feel my emptiness." As he began walking back to his room to just lay on the bed, facing up, watching the ceiling without changing his expression or sleeping. Just sitting there in the darkness all night, with no sleep happening.

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