Chapter 2: The Disappearances, the New Location, and The Party

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   James ran up to his dad who just walked in and was stressed and tired and asked him

"Dad? Can I ask you something?" William stood there thinking for a moment to realise James's question and responded a minute after saying

"Sure buddy, go ahead." James gathered his courage and afraid to be yelled at and quickly blurted out

"Are you planning to murder me or someone else on my birthday?" William's heart dropped the second he heard that. He responded with a

"W-who told you I would do something like that? I would never do something like that. Who is telling you this bullshit?! Answer me now James, I don't want that person around you anymore! Was it you Michael? Putting ideas in James's head?!" William walked over to Michael ready to slap him as he pleaded that he didn't do anything.

"Dad wait! It wasn't Michael!" William turned his head slowly and said

"Then who was it?" James fell to the floor and started crawling back in fear.

"Ii-it was my friend, my Fredbear plush. He told me things like his name Cassidy, and how you killed 2 other kids, one at Baby's and the other outside of Freddy's, he told me it was Lily. I didn't know to believe it so I came to ask you." William's heart dropped as now he came to heavily regret murdering the kid, Henry's kid, Lily.

"What have I done... I did this to my best friend? Why?" He thought to himself before regaining his thoughts and tried to lie to both of his sons but instead what came out was pure anger.

"You know what I believe, is that you are full of shit!" Michael got up and said tugging at his dad's arm.

"Dad he is only 8 years old! Stop cursing and screaming at him!" William grabbed Michael's other arm and throat and yelled

"Do you wanna be punished too Michael because I can have you quit your job and ground you!" Michael thought to himself of what to do. But his body moved and it made him let go of his father's arm.

"Now as for you! You little lying shit, you get to your room and no supper! Go now before I smack you! 3, 2." William yelled as James ran away with the fear of being beaten and when he ran into the back of his room William shut the door and locked it while screaming

"This is for being a little liar accusing me of something I have never done or will do! You won't come out until me and Michael leave for work tomorrow morning!" William stormed off to Lily's room.

"I brought a prototype animatronic home but you don't deserve it!" He threw the prototype fox into Elizabeth's room and on the floor and continued stomping on it. He left in a rage and went to his room and slamming the door. James was so scared he couldn't stop crying for one second while quietly saying "I don't want the animatronics to eat me! I don't want to end up like Elizabeth when Baby's stomach ate her up!"

Michael put ear against the door and when he heard this he thought,

"Hmm, he seems to be scared of the animatronics? Weak, and what a made up story, some kid must've squeezed rumours into his stupid head and now he is just jelly inside and out. And really, a boy spirit named Cassidy, usual name for girls, then again my principal his last name is Cassidy but who cares. They aren't alive and can't hurt any one. He needs to toughen up so he isn't this pathetic jelly against and I just know how." Michael called his three other friends and organized a plan to sneak in at night, use the key he has to get into the building and take four spare heads to use as masks for his plan.

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" said one kid while another said

"Yeah Michael this seems like stealing and we will get in huge trouble with the cops and your dad." Michael turned to his friends as they walked in and spoke.

"I know, I know but trust me, I work here and besides we are only borrowing four of many extra heads. It will be fine. My brother is a wimp and he needs to toughen up. Are you all with me? Thomas, Sally, Mark?" They all looked at each other until

"Alright, we will do this for your scared bitch of a little brother." Mark said as Michael thanked them for helping out.

The next few days for James was filled with terror of the thought of his birthday. Michael started seeing a difference in the reactions as he scared James with the foxy head were getting more and more frightening for James but Michael wanted to go bigger and thought

"He might grow out of being scared of our masks and the Springbonnie plush I keep moving around in the 4 closet hallway, but he might be scared of Fredbear. I will have to find out on his birthday, ooohhhh this will be funny." When there were two days before the party he swore he saw his sister and that she told him what happens if you stay the night or get caught and stuffed. But as he turned around she faded away. On the day before the party James told this to his father and again he didn't listen and locked him in the parts and service room until the work day was over and out of anger and annoyance. Then on the day of his birthday, he was so scared he went under the table and cried. Michael knew he was terrified of them, especially Fredbear so he and his friends put on the masks and they pulled him out from underneath the table and began bullying him.

"Wow, your brother is kind of a baby isn't he?" Thomas said as Michael began to laugh and say

"It's hilarious." Then Michael had an idea that would terrify James so much he went with it.

"Why don't we help him get a closer look. He will love it!" James was on his knees crying begging his brother not to take him to Fredbear.

"No please! No!" James said as he kept begging the four began carrying him.

"Come on guys, let's give this little man a lift. He wants to get up and personal." Michael said as he and his friends all grabbed James and began carrying him toward the stage.

"No! I don't want to go!" James screamed as they carried him closer to Fredbear.

"You heard the little man. He wants to get even closer. Ha ha ha!" Michael said as they arrived.

"Hey, guys I think the little man said he wanted to give Fredbear a big kiss!" Michael said as James looked up, to see Fredbear and began to shake and panic, trying to get loose from their grip.

"On Three. One...Two..." Then the bullies suddenly forcefully shoved James into Fredbear's mouth as it went up. They tried to hold him there but Fredbear's mouth closed so suddenly they jumped back. But instead of chomping down on James, it immediately went back up not leaving a scratch on James. He began to squirm and cry so much in Fredbear the four began to nervously laugh.

"Ha ha ha ha! Oh my god, James, you are just. You are just pathetic, it is just a robot, it can't harm you, and you were afraid of it anyway. You got scared of the safety mechanisms it has to not harm something or something in its mouth! Ha ha ha!" Michael yelled as their laughed started to get less nervous and more confident but Michael didn't know much about the spring locks and how they break apart if liquid or moisture spills onto them. James tears covered the spring locks and they began to break loose as Fredbear started to malfunction as his mouth suddenly chomped down on James's skull, crushing it and stopping his movements and quiet screams. The four stopped laughing as his body went limp and blood sprayed out of Fredbear's mouth, they realized what happened to James as did everyone else and noticed James's blood got stains on all of them, truly having his blood on their hands for this accident.

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