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After a while of walking trough different halls with Dom leading the way we finally near what looks like a big staircase leading to a huge foyer

Honestly this looks like a completely different building in comparison to where we just came from.

Comparing to all the earlier designs of the dark club,dimly lit hallways and red walls this was like a different world

White walls accentuated by large beautiful painting,elegant marble staircase,fresh flowers and a crystal chandelier hanging in the middle, bringing huge amount of light letting me see everything easily without having to squint

"Am I in a different dimension?"I ask Dom who is already down two steps of the long,curved staircase

He chuckles "No these are the living quarters, Agostino lives here, its attached to the club"Dom explains without looking back,still taking slow steps down letting me catch up

"Oh,how come? I thought he would have like a luxurious house somewhere" I ask confused

"He does, three in fact, he's just preferred staying here for the past week or so, saying that he's closer to the office this way and that it makes him feel more in control of the business"he shrugged

"Oh well that makes sense, I guess" I mean it kind of does plus this place looks better than any mansion I could have imagined and I've only seen the foyer so far.

Descending down the steps careful not to twist my ankle in these shoes I see the one and only Agostino standing near a door which I'm guessing is the entrance

He looks like something out of a fashion catalogue, his dark hair is neatly slicked back giving me the opportunity to analyse his face without anything getting in the way.

Starting with his green eyes looking at me, analysing everything I have to offer tonight, to his slightly crooked nose-an imperfection that makes him magically look even more perfect, to his now freshly shaved face- I can only imagine him smelling heavenly of his aftershave that he applied to his sharp jaw

I catch a glimpse of his Adam's apple bobbing up and down as he swallows which makes me trail my eyes further down his body that is covered in a tailored, expensive suit. A tight, silver tie around his neck, unbuttoned blazer showing a dark vest underneath and a white shirt under, proving my point of this being a very formal event as normally the vest is not something he wears 

By the time I finished analysing him the stairs had ended and a light, tiled floor had began with my heels clicking on it

"I see you found some shoes"Agostino said looking down at my feet with a smirk

I nodded "Yes,and thank you for the dress" I said and noticed two of Agostino's men standing a bit further to his right exchange looks with each other

Were they there the whole time?Well I surely didn't see them

Agostino cleared his throat dropping the smirk and murmured something to himself that I didn't exactly catch and turned around holding the door open for me to exit

Walking out all I saw was a driveway with tall gates all around and a not so big of a garden with a few flowers and wild rose bushes but obviously very well kept

The minimalism on the outside and the tall gates are very understandable considering that this is pretty much a Mafia hideout and they wouldn't want a lot of people from the outside world knowing too much about it

Looking at the driveway there are two black SUV's standing side by side

I start nearing the cars but start to slow down as I'm not exactly sure which one I am supposed to get in

"You ride the left one" said Dom appearing by my side and quickly disappearing into the car on the right together with the two men I saw in the foyer which only leaves me and Agostino-great!

I head towards the car I was supposed to ride and before the driver had the chance to open the door for me I jumped in front and opened it myself quickly getting in

The man looked a little distressed and looked at Agostino with scared eyes as if asking 'what now?'

Agostino gave him a stiff nod which the driver seemed to understand as he got in the car and buckled up

At the same time Agostino got in the car trough the opposite door to sit next to me on the leather seats

As we were seated and ready to take off he said "Please don't do that when we arrive, wait for someone to open the door for you"

"Oh" was all I said, I didn't realise it was that big of a deal plus him opening the entrance door was already uncomfortable enough as that's not something I was used to, in fact that's something that has never happened to me before but there's a first time for everything right?

We sat in silence trough the car ride with both of us looking out of the windows at moving streets unknown to me

I looked down seeing how my legs are very much exposed and there is pretty much nothing I can do about that but it's not like I exactly want to do anything about it, I don't really care, we aren't in public and it's just legs anyway

We had been driving for a while and finally the silence was broken but not with the words I expected

"You look beautiful in this dress" Agostino said without turning to look at me

Did I really just hear that or am I dreaming

"What?" I asked stupidly

Agostino now turned to look at me with a smirk on his face once again " I said you look beautiful, or do you not speak English?" he asked the same question I did only a few days ago

I stayed quiet and looked out the window again in shock that I received such a compliment from Agostino himself and I'm pretty sure my cheeks turned uncomfortably red from this as I could feel the heat on my face. It was pretty rare of me to get flustered but just now I did. And from what? A stupid compliment that probably meant nothing

After me being quiet and not answering him, he decided to answer himself

"You're welcome" he said with a smirk still present on his face

God, can I just slap that smirk off his face already? Yeah, I might just do that.
Next part is the party. A lot of interesting stuff is about to happen. ;))) Don't forget to vote and comment!!

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