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"Where are we going?" I asked Agostino after he had pulled me into a car and started to drive off.

He turned to look at me and smiled "You'll like it."

I stayed quiet thinking what the place could be but really couldn't come up with an answer.

Though there are other things that I have to think about at this moment,for example being in a car with Agostino behind the wheel.

He practically dragged me out and pushed me into the car opening the door for me.

We started driving slowly but picked up the pace after about a minute but I could tell that this wasn't the maximum speed he liked going at and I could also see that it kind of made him frustrated  but we were in the city and even though he was a fearless mafia man he still had to follow some rules.

I wonder where he could take me. Maybe a nice place to eat? Oh God, is this a date? Am I dressed the part? I looked down at myself,dressed in jeans and a decent blue top which I only knew to call a t-shirt and that's where my fashion knowledge ended. 

I looked back at Agostino who had one hand on the steering wheel,I looked down in search of the second one, to my surprise it was slowly moving towards me.

He seemed to be embarrassed or scared of making it awkward, or scared of my rejection which I found humorous, because by now I was pretty certain that I could never be able to reject this man in anything and scary enough but I'm pretty sure I could give up my life for him.

The hand slowly made it's way to my hand in my lap and squeezed it carefully as if testing the waters.

I quickly moved my hand to give him easier access and he intertwined our finger together letting out a breath when I didn't move away.

He brought my hand in his lap and drew circled on it with his thumbs. The whole ordeal seemed much more intimate than anything we had done before for some reason.

We spent the rest of the drive silent, still holding hands the whole time.

I hadn't noticed when we arrived as I was so lost in my own thoughts. We were already parked and Agostino suddenly let go of my hand which I noticed made me anxious.

I realized why he did so after he left the car to open the door for me while I just stupidly stared at his mesmerizing face.

I quickly got out of the car under his scrutinizing gaze.

I stared up at the tall building in front of me. It didn't look like a restaurant...

As if reading my mind Agostino said besides me already "My apartment is up there."

"Oh, is that your surprise?"I asked not exactly disappointed as it really is something I'd like to see.

He laughed "No,I just need to get something. The real surprise will come a little later."

He placed a hand on my lover back as to guide me towards the building.

As we got into the lobby which was very spacious and very grey might I add Agostino spoke again "You didn't seem too disappointed when we arrived."He mused.

We walked into the lift "Yeah, I guess I've been wanting to see your little nest."I said.

"Little?"He asked amused at the same time pressing the button on the number 20 which also happened to be the very top floor of the building.

I rolled my eyes at him now knowing full well that he owns the penthouse. "Showoff."I muttered.

He just smiled, as I saw in the reflection of the metal lift, and didn't say anything.

With a *ding* we arrived at Agostono's apartment which was very modern looking. I held in a gasp that was threatening to escape as I looked over the room with very soft looking couches.

It was so spacious and bright, I'm pretty sure the reason for that were the wall sized windows letting all the possible light into the room.

Agostino seemed to observe my reaction very carefully.

"Mhm" he cleared his throat "I have to get something, I'll be right back. Feel like at home."

I snorted at him.

He seemed visibly puzzled at my reaction "What? I'm serious! Who knows, it might become yours someday too."He shrugged with a serious expression on his face.

I looked at him, shocked that he would ever say something like that but he just chuckled in reply and disappeared after walking down a hallway.

Honestly, I am not okay with his teasing and I'm planning on making that clear to him.

But for now I just want to look at the sight out of that window.

I walk closer to it, looking over at the city, the other high rise buildings and the little toy looking cars moving underneath, the windows are so clean that it feels like they aren't even there which could scare someone that that is scared of heights. Scared of heights! Agostino popped into my head which made me think how he could even live here in the first place.

I could hear him walking back but didn't move to look behind me instead I just stayed still looking over the city.

I could hear him hesitantly moving towards me and then I felt his warmth behind me.

"Do you like it?"He asked wrapping his hands around me from behind.

"Yeah, it's beautiful. Though you aren't really a fan of the windows,right?" I craned my neck to look back at him.

He kissed my neck in return "The windows do give me a bit of security but I'm still not a fan of the height. I only got this apartment because it was safe."He almost breathed all of that on my neck.

He then placed his hands on my hips "It looks even better at night time though." with that he turned me around to face him.

"And you might even get a chance to see it."He murmured lifting up my chin with his finger and kissing me softly, softer that he normally does.

We now have been together for more than a month and he's given this kind of kiss only a couple times, but this one seemed to be softer that any kiss I had ever received from him before.

"We can just forget about the surprise and stay here."I suggested, slightly pulling away from the kiss.

Agostino smiled at my offer "Making love to you sounds amazing right now but I'm afraid we can't skip on the surprise baby."

He kissed me one last time and pulled me out of the apartment despite all of my protests.


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