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Agostino looked up standing next to me "Yeah, this was definitely a bad idea." he muttered loud enough for me to hear.

I smiled slightly.

We were currently standing under a large roller coaster ride, with screams of people echoing above us.

"Don't you like roller coasters?" I asked him humorously, knowing fully well that he doesn't.

Dom once accidentally told me that Agostino is in fact afraid of height, seems like that information was finally useful.

He gulped, still looking up "I don't exactly remember" he said

"Oh?" he turned to look at me, masking his fear really well and seeing the question in my eyes.

"I was ten, the last time I rode one of these" he pointed to the ride with the tip of his nose.

"Well, it looks like it's time to remember" I shrugged about to make my way towards the line.

Before I could though a hand stopped me. I turned back to look at Agostino trying my best to not laugh.

"The line is really long, it will take all day to get on, maybe we should just go on those?" he pointed to the circulating tea cups on the left.

I looked at the tea cups, then back at the line, which was actually moving rapidly.

I placed both hands on my hips and looked Agostino down "It seems to me, that the big, bad Mafia boss is scared. Or am I wrong?"

Agostino clenched his jaw clearly mad now "You are wrong." he said trough gritted teeth.

"Well,lets go then!" I suggested.

"I don't want to go, I rather look at other people riding it." he said letting out a breath.

I shrugged "Fine, I'll go alone then" and with that I left him behind as I joined the line.

After a while a few people queued behind me an as I started getting closer to the entrance I really started to believe that he wasn't coming, but I didn't dare look back searching for him, it means I would lose.

Just when three people were left in front of me I felt someone press against my left arm.

I looked up to see Agostino standing, looking straight ahead, probably trying to analyse the situation he is in.

It seemed he was really in his head considering he didn't look up at me a single time.

When we got seated together, I saw Agostino's hand tremble a little.

I didn't realize that his fear was that bad. I thought he wasn't afraid of anything.

So I grabbed his hand to reassure him, as it was too late to back out now.

He looked down at our intertwined hands and squeezed harder as if his life was about to end.

In that moment I understood what he felt. I understood what it was like to face one of your biggest fears. And in that moment I actually started to feel a little bad, and considering I hadn't felt that in awhile I surprised myself.

"Okey, I actually feel a little guilty for making you come." I sad honestly.

Agostino turned to look at me with a mischievous smile on his face.

He leaned down towards my ear "Oh, don't ever feel guilty about making me come. I was just wondering if I could get a repeat tonight as a compensation for this."

Well, this sounds a lot more like him.

"Seems like someone is not afraid anymore." I say and let go of his hand.

He frowns "I wasn't afraid to begin with." and locks my hand back with his.

Before I could answer back we started moving.

Slowly at first but even that seemed like enough for Agostino as the sweat was practically pouring down his forehead.

Once we were at the peak everyone knew what was coming next and I looked at Agostino eagerly waiting to see his reaction.

As we started to drop down I barely managed to hold back for more than three seconds before bursting out with laughter.

The reason for my amusement was Agostino's horrified face.

His eyes were bulging out and his lips were stretched across half his face, with teeth clear on display.

No words could describe the sight before me.
"You know this was the most I have laughed in many years." I told Agostino once we were off the ride.

"Well, I'm glad my suffering brings you so much joy." he grumbled.

"If you are so scared of heights why did you join me?"

Agostino let out a breath looking at all the people passing by us "I don't know. It just felt like I had to experience it again and there couldn't have been a better opportunity than this one." he looked down at me "With you."

I nodded "Are there any other fears you have, that I should know about and use against you?"

He chuckled "Only one." he said pulling me into his arms "but I don't think you should know about it... yet."

That sounded scary but promising at the same time.
Helloo my amazing readers! Hope you enjoyed this part.

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