The pipes -8-

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*Maya's P.O.V*

When we reached the edge of camp. I stopped walking. Pan looked at me.

"Maya, what's wrong? Is it Felix? I already talked to him; he isn't there. No right now anyway." I shook my head.

"I'm not ready to meet the boys yet." I took a step away from him. He nodded, understanding.

"That's fine. I won't make you meet them right now. Follow me, okay, I'll show you where you can stay till your ready."  He lead me to a different area. As we walked he started to talk. While Pan was distracted, I turned and ran for the woods around me.

About fifteen minutes later I turned to if I was being followed. When I turned back around, I was caught in someone arms.

“I should have known that would’ve happen.” Pan said, mostly to himself. He held both my wrist with one hand and tied them together with his other.

“Really?” He nodded.

“Time to meet the boys.”

“I don’t want too.” I whined as he pulled me back to camp.

“Well too bad, you blew your chance.” I groaned. We walked the rest of the way in silence. When we were near camp, I started to struggle. He walked faster and tightened his grip. He pulled me through some bushes and I noticed a lot of boys dancing around a fire. They stopped and looked at us.

“Boys, we have a guest. Her name is Maya Nap and will be staying here for a while. So be nice to her.” I scoffed at the end. Yes, because a Lost Boy can be nice to a girl.

Pan shoved me toward a log and walked away. I sat on the log. A few seconds later, someone sat down next to me. It was Henry.

“You little rat! You told him where I was.”

“I didn’t mean too! I slipped.”

“It’s fine, we all make mistakes.” I said referring to myself. He nodded and started to untie my hands. I rubbed my wrist. I was about to say something else when the fire went out and everyone fell down. I caught Henry before he hit the ground.

“We have guest. The guest know I like guessing games. And I guess it’s,” he paused and lit the fire. Rumple stood alone a few feet away. “The Dark One.”

“Rumple.” I mumbled. He glanced over.

“Hello, Maya.”

“You can come out now, Baelfire.” A man with a crossbow came out of the woods.

“Maya Nap, is that you?”


“It’s Neal now.” He returned his gaze to Pan. I don’t think Pan was acknowledging my presence anymore. I could care less.

“Is the Dark One here to save his family?” He asked Rumple.

“Pan leave him alone. Stop playing your games.” I told him, and, of course, he ignored me. Neal shot the arrow at Pan. I set Henry’s head on the log and stood up. Pan caught the arrow right before it hit him.

“Same old tricks. Did you not learn anything, Bea?”

“I did, that’s why I didn’t coat the tip.” Just then Pan’s body began to shimmer. Squid ink. Smart.

“Maya, grab Henry.” I reached down, but stopped. I couldn’t move my feet.

“You're staying.” Pan said. Apparently he had froze my feet in place before the squid ink took over. I looked over and glared at him. He smirked.

"Sorry, Maya." Neal apologized.

"It's fine, now go."

"Oh, but why run. Hasn't you father told you?" Pan asked.

"Told me what?" I knew what he was talking about.

"Don't you dare, Peter Pan." I warned.

"Or what? You're not my mother," he turned back Neal, "Your father isn't here to save him. He's here to kill him." Rumple pushed Neal farther into the woods before he could ask another question.  Pan turned and looked at me.

"I'll punish you later."

"How? Lock me in a cage?" He smirked.

"You'll see soon enough." I tried to get him to say more, but he wouldn't. After half an hour,  the ink wore off and the boys were up. Pan told them to get their weapons and go find Henry.

They returned ten minutes later. They laid Henry down and returned to their celebration. I made a face. How could they get done with kidnapping and go back to what they were doing? It was sick.

Pan started to play his pipe. I knew I was the only girl who could hear it. I looked over at Henry seeing him picking up a stick and banging it.

"Can you hear it now Henry?" Pan asked, amused.

"Yeah." He said while dancing like the rest. My jaw dropped. Pan looked at me and smirked. He walked over and removed the spell.

"You just took a little boy's innocence away!"

"You've been punished." Then he grabbed my arm and  pulled me into the woods. He lead me to a tree with a ladder. Up above was a tree house.

"You'll be staying up there. Now go." I started to climb up the ladder. I heard Pan walking away as I was near the top. When I got the the top and closed the door, I heard a click. I was locked inside. I walked around the room.

One bed, a desk and vanity, dresser, and bathroom off to the side. I noticed a familiar bag. I opened it and saw two books, cloths, and soaps. This was my bag. On the vanity was something that shined and reflected the moonlight. I picked it up and recognized it immediately. The circlet. I dropped it back on the vanity.


"Do you know why I chose that in the first place?" Pan asked, appearing from nowhere. I shook my head. He walked over and gently picked up.

"I chose it because," he put on top of my head and gently held my hands, "I thought you'd looked look pretty with it on. Once I saw it on you, I realized you could be the queen of Neverland. You and I could rule over the island together."

"Why's there a dresser? I didn't bring that any clothes." I said changing the subject. He chuckled.

"That's because this is my room."

"So that's your bed?"

"Yes, but you're using it."

"Nah, I'll sleep on the ground."

"No you're taking the bed. I'll take floor."

"What the guest wants, the guest gets, right?"

"Yes, and yet you still made me sleep in a pink tent." I laughed.

"Let me rephrase that. What a girl guest wants, a girl guest gets." He was about to argue, but I walked away, picked up a blanket and pillow, and laid down on the floor.

"I'll go get your bed roll from the woods tomorrow."

"Alright, night Peter." And I was out.

Try me, Pan (Sequel to Landnever)Where stories live. Discover now