Surprise -32-

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*Maya’s P.O.V.*


It took a while to find Granny’s, but then we realized that we had passed it early today while walking around. When we walked in, a nice girl named Ruby showed us our room. Granny, I think that’s who it was, came around the corner looking ticked off.


“You, Pan! Off my property before I call the cops!”


“Granny, ple-” Red started, but was cut off.


“No, Ruby. I will not have a boy who tried to kill a little boy in my building.”


“He’s changed.” I told her.


“It’s okay, Maya.” Peter said. “I’ll find another place to sleep. I’ll see you at the well tomorrow.”


I sighed. “Fine.” He smiled and gave me a kiss on the cheek before sprinting out the door. I turned back to Granny who was no longer there.


“Sorry about that. Granny has a past with him.” She waved for me to follow her.


“How so?”


“Her two older brothers went to Neverland. One of them returned and died shortly after of dream shade. The other one was kidnapped by Hook and taken to a new realm where he could be safe.”


“Oh.” was all I could say.


“When she’s out in town he can come in. He just has to be out before she sees him.”


“Thanks, Ruby.”


“No problem. Here’s your room.” She tossed a key to me. I caught it. “Night, Maya.”


“Night.” I said as I unlocked the door in front of me.


It was dark inside so I couldn’t see. The only light that I had was the moonlight coming through the window. I didn’t want to turn on the ceiling light so I could to find the bed.


It took a few tries, but I found it and fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.


*The next morning*


I woke up with a knock at the door. I rolled out of the bed and opened the door. Ruby stood there with a tray of breakfast food.


“Good morning. Sleep well?” She asked. I nodded. “There was a letter at the door earlier today for you.” She handed it to me.


“Thanks.” I replied while taking the letter and tray.


“If you need anything I'll be at the diner.”


“Thanks again Ruby.” I said as she walked down the hall.


“You’re welcome.”


I sat on one of the chairs that were in the room after setting the tray down on a table. I opened the letter to see it was from Peter.


Meet me at the well as soon as you get this. I have a surprise. - The One and Only, Peter Pan


I grabbed an apple and some bread with jam from the tray and ran out the room, locking the door behind me. Once I was out the door, I raced through the woods with my food in hand to the well. When I reached our meeting place, Peter was waiting. I handed him a slice of bread.


“Okay, what’s the surprise?” I asked as I ate the other slice of bread.


“Well, you know how Rumple put the cuff on me, right? It was one I made so it didn’t work on me. When I ran out of Granny’s last night I figured it would be nice if we could be somewhere together. So I made that somewhere. Come on!”


He grabbed my hand and started running. I accidentally dropped my apple, but that didn’t matter. We ran for about two minutes before he stopped.


“Right there.”


He pointed at a tree with a ladder. I looked up to see a tree house. I smiled and started to climb. When I reached the top, there was a door. I opened it to find a living room. From the outside it didn’t look big, but thanks to magic, it was bigger on the inside.


The living room had a couch, across from it, a small fire place. Near the couch was a window seat with books sitting on it. Next to it was a book self with more books. By the door was a staircase. I went up to find three doors. The first one in front of me was a bathroom.


I opened the door on the right to find a room like my room from Landnever. I gasped. It was exactly like my room back home. Everything in it’s place.


“Do you like it?” Peter asked behind me.


“No. I love it.” I smiled and hugged. “Thank you.”


“It was nothing.” He replied as he hugged me back.


“What’s in that room?”


“That’s mine.” He opened it so that I had proof.


“Oh. So what now?”

“Search for your family.”


Heartless❚peter pan - irishinsanity

Try me, Pan (Sequel to Landnever)Where stories live. Discover now