A true monster -12-

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*Maya's P.O.V*

I woke up a few hours later with no sign of Pan. I walked over to the door and tried to opened it. Locked. I turned away and grabbed my spell book.

Turn a human into a toad. Nope.

Turn a rock into a cupcake. No, but sounds good.

Unlock a door with a stick. Bingo!

I reached out the window, picked a stick from a tree, and cast the spell upon it. I walked back to the door. When I put the stick in the lock, I felt it change into the key. I heard the click, telling me it was unlocked. While making my way down the ladder, I heard Lily’s voice coming from above. She must have found Felix and now they were catching up. I shrugged and made my way for the woods. Pan still didn't know where I was because of the charm necklace. I dashed off toward the Charmings camp.

"Where have you been?" Regina rudely asked. I rolled my eyes.

"Where's the girls?"

"Maya!" About five girls said. I ran over and hugged them.

"We missed you." The first one said.

"Where did you go?" The second asked.

"Where's Lily?" The middle one.

"Read us a story, please!" The youngest one.

"Why are you wearing the tiara Peter gave you?" Second youngest.

"I missed you too. Peter... somewhat kidnapped me. Lily's with an old friend. I'll read you a story in a minute. And what are you talking about?"

"You wearing the tiara Peter made you for the Moonlight dace." I touched my head realized I was still wearing it. The queen of Neverland, his voice echoed from last night.

"I'll be right back." I pulled the Charming group over to the side. First thing I hear is.

"Where have you been?" From Regina.

"I was getting there. Pan and I made a deal that I had to accept. If I didn't, something bad would've happened. He has no clue I'm here yet, but I'll have to go soon. I came here to tell you Henry can hear the pipes. I will do my best to stop the process from continuing which my be hard."

"Thanks, Maya." Emma said. I smiled.

"No problem.  I've got to go read the girls a story now." I walked back to the group of girls who lead me to where I read. All the pirates and lost girls were there.

"Which story?"

"Rapunzel!" They all shouted, as if they had this all planned out. I chuckled and started reading. By the end of the story, they were all out.

I let out a peaceful sigh and leaned against a tree, watching the girls sleep for a moment. The moment was disturbed my two Lost Boys grabbing me. They took me back to camp. Before I could fight back, Pan stepped forward.

"Remove her weapons and all accessories other than the circlet." They obeyed, doing what they were e told. When they went for my necklace, I slapped their hands away. Soon a fight was started. As fast as it began, it ended.

"What’s so special about it?" Pan asked.

"Every Lost Girl has a charm like this. This one is mine and I will not allow it to be removed."

"Well then remove the spell you have placed on it or I will." No way he's touching it. I took the spell off. He smiled. "Now I can feel your presence." He grabbed my arm and dragged me over to where Henry was. He was fighting someone else, Devin, I think was his name. Henry was fighting with sword. The other boy had a wooden sword.  I swallowed. It was test.

If Henry fights him he's a true Lost Boy. If he doesn't then he isn't ready for what ever Pan has in mind.

I tried to shout out to Henry for him to stop, but my mouth wouldn't open. I shoot Pan a glare. He smirked and put a finger to his lips. I didn't even bother trying to move my feet.

Henry started to fight first.  The boy had no clue what to do. The fight began to pick up. Henry had now sliced the boys wooden sword. Then he sliced his cheek. He started freaking out, trying to apologize.

"Don't you see, Henry? Lost Boys don't have to apologize." I was mad when I heard this.

"My girls apologize. Being a Lost child is no excuse." Pan looked at me.

"That's because girls are polite. Boys, on the other hand, are not."

"So you're saying I'm polite?" I asked him.

"In a way, yes." He did not just say that. I walked up to him. As he did he raised an eyebrow. I slapped him.

"Never, and I repeat, never say that to me." Pan looked back at me with so much anger in his eyes you could see fire in them. He grabbed my arm and dragged me into the forest.

"You will never to that again, understood?"

"And if I do?" He growled.

"I'll lock you in a cage."

"No cage can hold me and you know that." He then grabbed both my arms, leaned down and started whispering.

"I'll hurt the ones you love most."

"Then you'll be dealing with a true monster." I shoved myself away from him and walked into the woods.

"No one threatens to hurt my girls."


I put up a short story about OUAT in Wonderland. I'm not sure how many of you oncers watched it, but please read it. Even if you haven't seen any of it it'll make sense. It's about the Jaberwockey's past as Elsa. 



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